A list of suggested symposium topics

Anti-Epileptic Drugs- mechanisms, spectrum of action
Autoimmune  encephalopathies- Anti-NMDA and others
Autism spectrum disorders – Diagnosis, Genetics and therapies
Brain Plasticity- neurorehabilitation: mechanisms, new therapies, TMS and DCS
Brain Malformations – Imaging, genetic diagnosis, therapies
Cerebral palsy – early recognition, classification, imaging, therapy with Botox, baclofen pumps, rhizotomy
Clinical research methods in pediatric neurology practice
Concussion and Traumatic Brain Injuries- Diagnosis and therapies
Deep brain stimulation for movement disorders
Diagnosis and treatment of genetic metabolic disorders affecting the CNS
Education and Training for Disabled Children
Epilepsy - video diagnosis, pathogenesis, therapies
Epileptic Encephalopathies – Infantile spasms, latest trials ACTH + vigabatrin
Epilepsy Syndromes – genetics, recognition and precision therapies
Fetal Neurology – In utero brain development, imaging, prognosis
Genetics/Genomics in pediatric neurology, collaboration with genetic counsellors
Genetics of neurologic diseases in closed populations, India and Middle East
Epigenetic impact of stress on poor children and those exposed to violence
Epilepsy surgery for children and adolescents
Leukodystrophies – Diagnosis, genetics, clinical trials
Managing a pediatric neurology practice including use of electrophysiology
Metabolic Epilepsies – recognition and therapies
Mitochondrial disorders- recognition, testing therapies
Movement Disorders - recognition on videos, therapies
Multiple sclerosis and autoimmune disorders in children and adolescents, imaging, new therapies
Neonatal Neurological Disorders
Neonatal neuroprotection
Neurocutaneous disorders
Neuroprotection – Neonatal and older children intensive care
Neurocritical care for pediatric neurology disorders, status, brain injuries
New therapies for neuromuscular disorders: DMD and SMA
Neuromuscular disorders
Neurologic Infections – Diagnosis and therapy
Neurodevelopmental Disabilities – Diagnosis and Treatment
Neuro-opthalmology and Eye Movements
Neurosurgery advances hydrocephalus
Neuroethics and History
Pediatric Neuroradiology
Pediatric Neuropsychiatry
Pediatric Brain Tumors – Imaging and new therapies
Rett Syndrome
Sleep Disorders
Stem cell therapies in pediatric neurology
Transition of neurological  care from children to adulthood
Tuberous Sclerosis – Diagnosis, genetics, therapies with mTOR inhibitors
Zika Virus Encephalopathy and emerging viruses