
Functional training is an important component of rehabilitation management.
It includes:

  • Self-care activities
  • Bed mobility
  • Sitting training (eg, coming to sit, sitting balance, sitting mobility [scooting])
  • Transfer training (eg, bed, toilet, tub, wheelchair, car, van, school bus, classroom)
  • Wheelchair mobility (eg, self propelled vs power driven, consider powered mobility for even very young children, transportation of chair) and seating systems (eg, enhance mobility, maximize UE and respiratory function, minimize deformity, maintain skin integrity, allow child the opportunity to interact with the environment, development of cognitive and communication skills)
  • Gait training (eg, household and/or community, bracing, walker, crutches, cane, advanced ambulation skills such as curbs, ramps and stairs) 
  • Skills for recreation activities and sports (eg, one leg standing, pivoting, running, stooping)
  • School therapy (eg, work with multidisciplinary team to enhance education)