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Last updated: 05 June 2024

Join the ICNAPedia Knowledge Base Editorial Team!

Are you a professional dedicated to advancing the field of child neurology? Do you have a passion for sharing knowledge and contributing to a global community? If so, the International Child Neurology Association (ICNA) invites you to join the ICNAPedia editorial team!

Why Become an ICNAPedia Knowledge Base Editor?

ICNAPedia is a premier online resource for child neurology, providing comprehensive information and fostering collaboration among professionals worldwide. As an ICNAPedia editor, you will play a crucial role in ensuring the accuracy, relevance, and quality of the content available to the global community. Here’s why you should consider becoming an editor:

  • Impactful Contribution: Share your expertise and insights to improve the quality of information available to practitioners, researchers, and students in child neurology.
  • Global Collaboration: Join a network of professionals from around the world, working together to advance knowledge and improve patient care in child neurology.
  • Professional Recognition: Your contributions will be acknowledged with a unique profile page on ICNAPedia, highlighting your expertise and contributions to the field.

Special Invitation for FLICNA Members

We particularly welcome applications from Future Leaders of ICNA (FLICNA) members. Your fresh perspectives and innovative ideas are invaluable to the growth and development of ICNAPedia.

What It’s Like to Be an ICNAPedia Editor

Being an ICNAPedia editor can be a rewarding experience for those who enjoy contributing to a leading online resource in child neurology. Here are some aspects of what it’s like to be an editor:

  • Contribution to Knowledge: As an ICNAPedia editor, you have the opportunity to contribute to a vast repository of knowledge that is freely available to anyone with an internet connection. Your edits can help improve the accuracy and quality of articles on a wide range of topics in child neurology.
  • Community Interaction: ICNAPedia has a large and diverse community of editors who collaborate to create and maintain articles. Engaging with this community can provide valuable professional connections and collaborative opportunities.

How to Request an Account

Requesting an account to gain edit privileges on ICNAPedia is straightforward. Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Email with your professional background, areas of expertise, and your motivation for joining the editorial team.
  2. Verification Process: Our team will review your application to verify your credentials and ensure that you meet the criteria for becoming an editor.
  3. Account Activation: Once approved, you will receive an email with instructions to activate your account and set up your profile page.

Your Unique Profile Page

Upon acceptance, you will receive your own profile page on ICNAPedia. This page will feature:

  • Professional Bio: Share your professional journey, areas of specialization, and current role.
  • Contributions: Highlight your contributions to ICNAPedia, showcasing your impact on the platform.
  • Contact Information: Provide optional contact details to connect with other professionals and collaborators.

Get Started Today!

Take the first step towards joining the ICNAPedia editorial team and making a significant impact in the field of child neurology. 

For More Information: please contact

Join us in shaping the future of child neurology through knowledge sharing and collaboration. We look forward to welcoming you to the ICNAPedia Knowledge Base editorial team!

The International Child Neurology Association (ICNA) is committed to fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing among child neurology professionals worldwide.

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