Election of Officers and Members of the Executive Board

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Click on a candidate's name below to read their statement.

Guillermo Eduardo Agosta

Number of meeting attended: 4

(a)   Head of Child Neurology Department

Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires(1), Argentina 
(Italian Hospital of Buenos Aires)

(b)   Member of the Editorial Board in Journal of Child Neurology

Board member of the International Child Neurology Association

Former President of the Argentine Society of child Neurology (SANI).

Associated Professor of Pediatrics. Hospital Italiano School of medicine.

Master in Clinical Effectiveness.  Buenos Aires University (UBA) – Harvard School of public health.

Director of child Neurology fellowship at the Hospital Italiano Medical School

(1) The "Hospital Italiano" of Buenos Aires is a 161 years old general Hospital with a school of medicine and all the specialties.
It has 750 beds and about 1500 medical doctors. Is a reference center to all the area for liver, heart and kidney transplantation. We receive patients from Uruguay, Ecuador, Venezuela, Paraguay, Peru etc.

(c)   I Have no conflict of interest.

(d)   As it is expressed by the ICNA Education Committee the instruction in child neurology field is a priority, particularly in developing countries.

From my point of view in Latin America, the education programs should be directed to general physicians or paediatricians in cities were the access to child neurologists is difficult.

I have just finished a Program in Paraguay and have the Develepment Interamerican Bank support for a two years education training program for post graduates in Child development.

Paediatric neurologist generally acts in secondary prevention. An appropriate program toward specific pathology should impact on primary prevention in neurological diseases.

I will design a strategy of education training of generalist physicians and paediatrics in neurological pathology of high prevalence. The goal of this training is that these doctors can have the appropriate knowledge to handle with the diagnosis and management of few important and prevalent child neurological conditions.

I consider that a rational program for this area should include the recognition and management of status epilepticus, first crisis approach, index of suspicion of inborn metabolic errors and how to manage neonatal seizures.

This education program will have a continuum supported by a virtual contact through Internet.

I have the opportunity to be the chief of Child Neurology Departament in a Hospital that have the technology and informatics support. The Italian Hospital of Buenos Aires is very well known all around Latin America and, of course, in the same language.

Banu Anlar, MD

Number of meeting attended: 5

(a)   Current position: Faculty, Hacettepe University, Department of Pediatric Neurology (1989-  ).

(b)   Memberships: European Pediatric Neurology Society (Board), International Child Neurology Association (Board), Turkish Child Neurology Society, Asian-Oceanian Child Neurology Association, American Academy of Neurology.

Editoral Board Memberships:

Journal of Child Neurology

European Journal of Pediatric Neurology

Pediatric Neurology

(c)   I declare no financial interest in any company or industry.

(d)   Purpose in Membership of ICNA Board:

I work in a multicultural region where the practice and needs of child neurology differ considerably; I think I can contribute to international educational activities and congresses.

Eduardo Barragan

Dear President and collegues of the ICNA EB

By this, I am accepting my candidature in the election to EB ICNA.

I resolutely embrace the global mission of the ICNA to ensure that all neurological pediatric patients around the world have access to the highest quality of medical resources: well educated health personal; pharmaceutical and lab services and hospital facilities to improve diagnosis and treatment. Special, Latin America is not well suited in these resources, so our patients do not receive the appropriate diagnoses and treatment impacting over their quality of life.

Since several years ago, my personal engagement has been on improving the conditions not only for diagnosis and treatment, but educational and research in our region. Beyond personal interests in my country, I've worked so that all of the countries feel same capacity to achieve these goals.

As a pediatric neurologist, I have great interests not only in translating research findings into clinical practice; but in improving conditions in education, material and human resources, with own indicators generated by our countries.

I have had the privilege of witnessing the enormous progress that ICNA has achieved in recent years in different parts of the world, and I am highly excited to be part of this team, promoting the achievements of its contribution routed to attain its great goals of health. Feel sure I will put all my effort and capacities to work for our Latin American region and other world regions and its integration as a whole unit.

Wishing you, your families and your patients, health and good

Rose-Mary Boustany

Number of meetings attended: 2

(a)   PRESENT POSITION: Professor of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine

Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics

Director, Neurogenetics Program and AUBMC Special Kids Clinic

Division Chief, Pediatric Neurology

American University of Beirut Medical Center

Adjunct Professor of Pediatrics

Duke University Medical Center


(b)   Other relevant positions (e.g. CNS, EPNS, AOCNA – past / present; journal boards. (Editorial Board of Annals of Neurology, Member of APS, ANA, SPR, on the Boards of the Batten Disease Support and Research Association, and OpenMinds)

(c)   A statement re any significant conflict of interest – such as Pharma 
No Pharma Employment

(d)   One sentence describing why they want to be a member of the EB and what they can add to the ICNA.
To represent the Middle East, and promote the mission of ICNA in Lebanon and the region.

Dr. Jaime Campistol Plana

(a)   Head of Neuropediatric Departement. Hospital Sant Jona de Deu. Barcelona University. Spain.

(b)   Past president of Spanish Neuropediatric Society and from the Societée Européene de Neurologie Pediatrique, member ed. board Eur J Ped Neurology and Neurologia ( BCN)

(c)   Non conflict of interest.

(d)   To improve the knowledge and diffusion of neuropediatric science in my region and country.

Roberto Caraballo

(a)   Chief of Seizure Unit, Neurology Department, Pediatric Juan P Garrahan Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina

(b)   Past President Argentina League against Epilepsy, Treasurer Latin American Affair of Epilepsy.

(c)   No conflict of interest to declare

(d)   My interest in participating as member of the EB and the ICNA is to contribute our experience in neuropediatric field, and to integrate more our region in the international neuropediatric activities to improve the knowledge of our colleagues in Latin American countries..

Ching-Shiang Chi

(a)   I am a professor of Paediatric Neurology and the vice superintendent at Tungs’ Taichung MetroHarbor hospital in Taiwan.

(b)   I served as the President of Taiwan Epilepsy Society (TES) from 2007 through 2009 and the President of Taiwan Child Neurology Society (TCNS) from 2005 through 2008. Currently, I am a national delegate of AOCNA, and actively participate as an instructor in the continuing medical education programs of ILAE-ASEPA. I am an advisory of long term planning committee of Asian Oceanian Child Neurology Association (AOCNA) with the goal to enhance the overall quality and quantity of knowledge and support among all of our colleagues in the field.

(c)   There is no any significant conflict of interest by any of Pharma employment.

(d)   I hope to be a member of EB because I can add to ICNA by means of designing educational programs and carrying out projects that promote training activities of paediatric neurology in Asian Oceanian region.

Professor J Helen Cross

(a)   Current position

The Prince of Wales's Chair of Childhood Epilepsy
Deputy Head of Developmental Neurosciences Programme,
UCL-Institute of Child Health, Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, & Young Epilepsy, Lingfield, UK.

4/5 Long Yard
London WC1N 3LU

(b)   Other relevant positions

British Paediatric Neurology Association

Treasurer 1999-2005
President elect 2007-2008
President 2008-2010
Immediate Past President 2010-2011
Chair Paediatric Epilepsy Training Course Steering Group 2010-present

 European Paediatric Neurology Association

Board 2001-2010
Assistant Secretary 2006-2010

International League Against Epilepsy

Chair Task Force for Epilepsy Surgery 2001-2013
Chair Commission for Paediatrics 2005-2009
Co Chair Task Force for Global Outreach 2009-2013
Commission for European Affairs 2009-2013
Secretary General 2013-2017

(c)   Conflict of Interests

J. Helen Cross holds an endowed Chair through University College, London. She has sat on Advisory Panels for Eisai and Viropharma for which renumeration has been paid to her department. She has received money to the department as an educational grant from UCB and Eisai for a Clinical Training Fellowship in Epilepsy. She currently holds grants for research as from Action Medical Research, Epilepsy Research UK and the Great Ormond Street Hospital Childrens Charity. She worked as Clinical Advisor to the update of the NICE guidelines on the diagnosis and management of epilepsy (2009-12) and is currently Clinical Advisor to the Childrens Epilepsy Surgery Service (England & Wales) for which renumeration is made to her department.

(d)   Statement of intent

Keen to continue to work towards advocating for better delivery of services to children with neurological disease throughout the world, my previous and current positions within epilepsy, as well as experience in teaching worldwide, will help to minimise duplication of efforts, and move forward in collaboration.

Russell Dale

(a)   I am Associate Professor at the Children's Hospital at Westmead, and University of Sydney, Australia. I am the SubDean of Postgraduate studies at the Discipline of Paediatrics and Child Health. I am the Petre Chair of Paediatric neurology research, and head the neuroimmunology research group at the hospital.

(b)   I am a member of the Australia New Zealand Child Neurology Society and British Paediatric Neurology Association. I am on editorial board of European Journal of Paediatric Neurology.

(c)   I have no conflict of interest.

(d)   I believe I can make a contribution to the ICNA board. I was chair of the Scientific Committee for ICNC 2012 in Brisbane, Australia, which was an educationally and financially successful conference. I support the principles of the ICNA and can provide some educational and research experience in my areas of neuroimmunology and movement disorders. I have represented ICNA as invited speaker at the World Congress of Neurology in 2011 and 2013, and will attend Neuropedicon as invited speaker nominated by Harry Chugani in Pune, India in October 2014.

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Linda De MeirLeir

Number of meetings attended: 5

Why I want to stay on the board ICNA

Child neurology and related pathologies such as metabolic diseases is a domain of medicine in which rare diseases take an important part, creating a high need for knowledge sharing. It is important that the full spectrum of pathologies, from the more prevalent conditions such as epilepsy and the rare entities are covered by ICNA activity. Especially in rare entities it is extremely important to sustain, disseminate and improve the knowledge level both at the clinical and scientific level throughout a global network, also serving the less affluent parts. The rapid development of new insights brought by current genomic technology creates new opportunities and challenges. I am since a long time engaged in research in metabolic diseases and have been active on a global scale in the educational efforts of the ICNA. I want to further develop this important task and thus contribute to the international excellence of child neurology at the highest possible level.

Dr Kirsty Donald

(a)   Senior Specialist: Paediatric Neurology
Head of Division of Developmental Paediatrics,
Red Cross Children’s Hospital and the University of Cape Town

(b)   Other relevant positions:
Current national secretary of EXCO for Paediatric Association of Neurology and Development of South Africa (PANDA SA)
2009-present         Member of the International Child Neurology Association
2010-present         Member of the African Child Neurology Association (founding member)
2013 ongoing         UCT Health Science Faculty Research committee member
2011 ongoing         UCT Health Science Faculty Transformation committee (particularly involved in integrating students with disabilities into the faculty)
2010-ongoing:         Chair of Board of Directors: Autism Western Cape (local NGO)
I am frequently invited to review articles from both local and international peer-reviewed journals.

(c)   I declare no conflict of interest.

(d)   Highlighting areas of priority in child neurology and development in the African region is key to developing relevant services and understanding of neurological conditions (and resulting neurodisability) for a huge proportion of the world’s most vulnerable children. I have the skills and am well placed to do this effectively and with passion.

Cheuk-Wing FUNG

(a) I am currently working under the Division of Child Neurology, Developmental Paediatrics and NeuroHabilitation in the Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine in Queen Mary Hospital / Duchess of Kent Children’s Hospital in Hong Kong, as an Associate Consultant and an Honorary Clinical Assistant Professor in the University of Hong Kong under the same department.

(b) At the moment, I am the Honorary Secretary of the Paediatric Neurology Association of Hong Kong (PNAHK, 2014-2016) and the Vice-President of the Hong Kong Society of Inborn Errors of Metabolism (HKSIEM, 2012-2014). I am also an active member of the Asian Oceanian Child Neurology Association (AOCNA), European Paediatric Neurology Society (EPNS), Society for the Study of Inborn Errors of Metabolism (SSIEM) and Hong Kong Epilepsy Society (HKES).

(c) I do not have any conflict of interest.

(d) I would like to run for election to be an Executive Board member of the ICNA in order to assist the Board in promoting and maintaining the standards in the practice of child neurology across different countries to bring new hope and lights to our patients and families, through my active participation in organizing various educational meetings especially in the field of neurometabolic diseases, which is my own subspecialty interest.

Marilisa Guerreiro

This is to confirm my interest in being elected to the Executive Board of ICNA. I aim to attend all EB meetings, contribute to committees and to organise or participate in one regional educational meeting during my term of office.

(a)   Full Professor of Child Neurology at the Department of Neurology – Unicamp

(b)   Member of Paediatrics Commission if ILAE

(c)   I declare no conflict of interest

(d)   Want to be a member of the EB: To represent my country and to encourage the learning of paediatric neurology around the world.

Ahmed Raouf Ibrahim

Number of meetings attended: 3

Egypt, Africa

(a)   Current Job : Prof. Of Child Neurology at Armed Rehabilitation & Rheumatology Center, Egypt
Consultant of Paediatric Neurology at Institute of Post Graduate Childhood Studies, Ain Shams University, Egypt

(b)   Relevant Positions : President of Egyptian Society of Child Neuropsychiatry ( ESCNP ) & President of Pan Arab Child Neurology Association & Vice President of African Child Neurology Association

(c)   Conflict of Interest : I have no potential conflict of interest to report
Type of affiliation / financial interest
Receipt of grants/research supports:
Receipt of Honoraria or consultation fees:
Participation in a company sponsored speaker's bureau:
Stock shareholder:
Other support

(d)   What I need to ICNA : To promote more for Child Neurology in Egypt, Middle East and Africa

Altynshash Jaxybayeva

a) Current Position
I am working as a Strategy Development Director at National Research Center for Mother and Child Health, Astana Kazakhstan; Chief Pediatric Neurologist.

b) Other Relevant Positions
I am a member of EPNS, Kazakh Child neurology association;

c) Conflict of Interest
No conflicts of interest;

d) Statement
I would like to be an EB in order to improve development of Pediatric neurology in my region and also extend international standard for diagnosis and management of neurological condition at all parts of the world.

Michael V. Johnston M.D.

a) Current Position
Blum Moser Chair for Pediatric Neurology Professor of Neurology, Pediatrics and PM&R Chief Medical Officer, Kennedy Krieger Institute Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Baltimore, MD 21215 USA

b) Other Relevant Positions
I am a member of the Child Neurology Society and the American Neurological Association and a Fellow of American Academy of Neurology, as well as ICNA. In the past I was the Associate Editor for Child Neurology of the Annals of Neurology and I was a Director of the American Board of Neurology and Psychiatry. I am active in clinical and laboratory research on perinatal hypoxia-ischemia and cerebral palsy as well as Rett syndrome.

c) Conflict of Interest
Potential Conflicts: None

d) Statement

It would be an honor to be a member of the Executive Board of ICNA, and I am interested in its mission to spread knowledge about childhood neurological disorders and to advance care through the conduct of international clinical research.

Mike is a long time member of ICNA and received the John Stobo Pritchard Award in Tokyo in 1990. He is a professor of Neurology and Pediatrics at the Kennedy Krieger Institute and Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, and he holds the Blum Moser Chair for Pediatric Neurology. His research interests are in cerebral palsy, hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy and Rett syndrome, and he has been especially interested in developing cost-effective methods to reduce brain injury from asphyxia. He has lectured at numerous ICNA congresses and in many other venues throughout the world including a recent ICNA-sponsored teaching symposium at the Lady Ridgeway Hospital for Children in Colombo, Sri Lanka. He has held numerous NIH research grants and has served as the Associate Editor for Child Neurology for the Annals of Neurology. He is especially interested in the ICNA global initiatives to enhance collaborative clinical research in low income countries as well as to create learning opportunities about pediatric neurological disorders and their treatment in these areas.

Dr. Edward Kija

a)   I am currently working as a training fellow in the Department of Neurology at the Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital, Capetown South Africa but I am a Lecturer at the Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences in Dar es salaam, Tanzania.

b)   I have never had other positions in other Professional International associations.

c)   I would like to declare no conflict of interest with any pharmaceutical company.

d)   I want to participate in the activities of ICNA to improve child neurology services particularly in resource limited settings which is currently scarce. I want to focus on developing viable and relevant child neuro-disability strategies for these countries such as Tanzania.

Lieven Lagae

Number of meetings attended: 5

(a)   Current Position
Professor of Paediatric Neurology – University Hospital KULeuven, Belgium

(b)   Other Relevant Positions (e.g. CNS, EPNS, AOCNA –past / present; journal boards; and President EPNS, Editor-in-Chief European Journal of Pediatric Neurology

(c)   A statement re any significant conflict of interest – such as Pharma – None

(d)   - To strengthen the link between EPNS and ICNA     - To continue to help in training and education of younger pediatric neurologists throughout the world

Agustin Legido

a)   Senior Chief, Pediatric Neurology, Professor of Pediatrics and Neurology, St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children, Philadelphia, PA 19134

b)   2007-2009: Past –President, Academia iberpoamericana de Neuropediatría (AINP) 
2010- : President, International Affairs Committee, Child Neurology Society Co-editor, Seminars in Pediatric Neurology (2014), Editor, Seminars in Pediatric Neurology (2015-)

c)   I have no formal personal or professional relationship, or business conflict if interests, with any pharmaceutical Company. 

d)   As a member of other pediatric neurology organizations (see above), I have a demonstrated a particular interest in participating in international educational and/or clinical activities, which might improve the way children with neurological conditions are treated in the world, one of first steps being educating the pediatric neurologists on different regions of the world.

Kenneth Mack

Number of meetings attended: 4

I have been a member of ICNA since 1996, and have previously served as Secretary and on the Executive Board. I have been involved in recent changes to the membership requirements, including no fees for membership. As we go forward, I would like to continue the mission of ICNA to expand membership, increase communication among child neurologists, and support electronic efforts. This is a great organization, with an even greater potential to serve the needs of child neurologists and their patients.

Gabriel Hernan Martino

(a)   I am principal member of staff of the Unit of Neurology of the Genreal Child Hospital of Buenos Aires, Argentina (Hospital Pedro de Elizalde) since 1990.

(b)   I’ve been an active member of the Argentine National Society of Child Neurology (SANI) since 1992.

I’ve been member of the Executive Comission (like the EB of the INCA since 1994 (secretary of the treasurer 1994-1996, vocal 1996-2004, treasurer 2004-2012, general secretary 2012 to the present).

I’ve been active member of the Argentine League against epilepsy since 1993.

I’ve been active member of the INCA since 2002. I represent my nstional society in the COD of the INCA since 2010.

(c)   I have no conflict of interest with any pharmaceutical company or any other private company potentially linked with my speciality.

(d)   Finally, I would be honoured to increase relationship between my colleagues (from Argentina and the South American region). I’m convinced that we have an important work to do in order to improve knowledge of our speciality in the medical community, specially in Latinoamerica.

Berge Minassian

(a)   Professor of Paediatrics (Neurology), University of Toronto
University of Toronto Michael Bahen Chair in Epilepsy Research
Neurologist and Senior Scientist, The Hospital for Sick Children

(b)   N/A

(c)   N/A

(d)   Paeditaric Neurology is entering a phase where, starting in the developed world, and progressively elsewhere, every child with neurogenetic disease (the majority of our patients) will have their genome sequenced, their mutation (s) identified. At the same time gene therapy methods and gene editing technologies are nearing the brink to give us the tools to correct genetic defects. Paediatric Neurology will in the not too distant future transform from a specialty where little can be done, to one where a lot can be done, but in myriad different diseases with numerous different approaches. My clinical and research work are in these areas, and may be of value to ICNA.

Jonathan Mink

(a)   I am currently a Professor at the University of Rochester in Rochester, New York, USA. I am Chief of the Division of Child Neurology, which consists of 13 child neurologist faculty, 5 nurse practitioners, and 6 child neurology residents. I am also Vice Chair of the Department of Neurology, the department in which the Child Neurology Division resides. From 2003 until 2013 I was Director of our Child Neurology Residency Program. My clinical sub-specialty is Movement Disorders in Children and I have an active research program in Tourette Syndrome, Dystonia, and Batten Disease.

(b)   I have been Associate Editor of Neurology since 2001 and Associate Editor of Child Neurology for Continuum – Lifelong Learning in Neurology since 2012. I sit on the editorial boards of Pediatric Neurology and the Journal of Child Neurology. I am former Chair of the Child Neurology Society Research Committee, and current chair the Scientific Program Committee of the Child Neurology Society.

I currently sit on an independent data and safety monitoring board for two studies sponsored by Edison Pharmaceuticals, Inc. I am a consultant for Medtronic, Inc.

(d )   I have been an active member of ICNA since 2001 and have attended every ICNA meeting since 2006. I have worked over the past 10 years to established international collaborations. I have trained residents and fellows from Jordan, Ukraine, Canada, Australia, and Malaysia. I am committed to the field of Child Neurology and would welcome the opportunity to serve on the Executive Board of ICNA to foster our field internationally.

Ganeshwaran H. Mochida, M.D., M.M.Sc.

(a)   I am currently a principal investigator of a neurogenetics research laboratory at the Division of Genetics and Genomics, Boston Children’s Hospital, attending pediatric neurologist at Massachusetts General Hospital, and Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School (Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.).

(b)   I have been serving in the Research Committee of the ICNA since 2010. I also served in the Scientific Selection Committee of the Child Neurology Society (CNS) from 2003 until 2010.

(c)   Conflict of interest statement: Dr. Mochida receives a research grant from F. Hoffmann La Roche, Ltd.

(d)   I am a clinician-scientist, and in my research laboratory I study the genetic basis of disorders that affect brain development and cognition. My particular interest has been disorders that affect brain volume, such as microcephaly and pontocerebellar hypoplasia. I have identified several novel genes for these disorders and published in journals including Nature Genetics, Neurology and American Journal of Human Genetics. As a board-certified pediatric neurologist, I also have extensive clinical experience with developmental brain disorders.

I believe I can play a unique role as an ICNA Executive Board Member in several ways:

1] My research program enrolls subjects from all over the world, and I have had extensive international collaboration with over 20 countries. As the largest international organization of child neurologists, I strongly believe that ICNA is in an ideal position to facilitate various research and clinical collaborations among its members. If I am elected as an executive board member, I will help develop infrastructure to stimulate and facilitate such collaboration among its members.

2] Having worked with clinicians and researchers in many countries, I understand the urgent need for transfer of knowledge and technology to resource-poor countries. I will be committed to education and capacity building in those countries.

3] Through my research, I have worked with many pediatric neurologists in West Asia (including the Middle East) and Africa, the regions where there are fewer ICNA members compared to the other parts of the world. I will help increase the presence and activities of ICNA in these regions, and increase membership from these regions.

I was born in Japan to my Sri Lankan father and Japanese mother. I graduated from Keio University School of Medicine in Tokyo, and completed residency training in Pediatric Neurology at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. Having been in multicultural environment all my life, I truly feel at home in ICNA, a true international community of pediatric neurologists. It would be a great honor and pleasure if I am chosen to serve ICNA as an Executive Board member.

Lakshmi Nagarajan M.B.B.S., M.D., F.R.A.C.P.

(a)   Current Positions:
Consultant Neurologist / Epileptologist
Head, Department of Neurology
Princess Margaret Hospital for Children
Perth WA 6008

Clinical Professor
School of Paediatrics and Child Health
University of Western Australia, Australia

Honorary Research Fellow
West Australian Neuroscience Research Institute
Telethon Child Health Research Institute
Perth, WA

(b)   Other Relevant Positions:

  • Director, Australia New Zealand Child Neurology Society
  • ANZCNS representative to AOCNA
  • Epilepsy Society of Australia
    • Chair Education Committee
    • Ex Vice President.
  • Scientific Committee Member ICNA 2012
  • Chief Organiser, ICNA 2012 satellite meeting, Perth, WA
  • Princess Margaret Hospital for Children, Perth, WA
    • Ex Secretary Clinical Staff Association
    • Governance committee member – current
    • New Perth Children's Hospital project – several committees.
  • Reviewer for several journals.
  • Reviewer for National Health & Medical Research Council, Australia

(c)   Conflict of Interest
I have no conflict of interest to declare.

(d)   Statement 
ICNA offers a platform for involvement and interaction between professionals to advance knowledge and education, harness, facilitate and share resources to enable the benefits from exciting progress in the field of paediatric neuroscience, to reach and improve care of children across the world with neurological disorders.

I have been privileged to train, work and interact in the field of child neurology with people in three different continents. I bring to ICNA the skills developed from this enjoyable experience over many years.

Prof Charles Newton

Number of meetings attended: 4

I would like to be considered for re-election for the Executive Board of ICNA, to continue setting up the Journal of International Child Neurology Association and promoting child neurology within Africa.
I currently reside and work in Kenya, as a Senior Clinical Investigator with the Kenya Medical Research Institute-Wellcome Trust Collaborative Programme, where I conduct research on neurodevelopmental disorders, epilepsy and sickle cell disease.
I am currently the Senior Editor of International Review of Child Neurology Series (2006 – present) and Editor of Journal of International Child Neurology. In addition I am a member of the executive boards of Society of Neuroscientists in Africa and Kenyan Society of Neurosciences, a member of African Regional Committee for the International Brain Research Organization, International League Against Epilepsy Epidemiology Commission and Task Force on Seizures and Epilepsy in the Tropics. I am a member of the editorial boards of Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, Lancet Neurology and Lancet Psychiatry.

I have not received any monies from Pharma.

Sakkubai Naidu

(a) Current Position
Prof Neurology and Pediatrics, Johns Hopkins University and Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, MD 21205

(c) Conflict of Interest 

(d) Statement
To provide Pediatric Neurology education in countries whereby local physicians can improve care to help the children of those Nations.

Prpić Igor

(a)   Current position: Child neurologist and neonatologist, Professor of Paediatrics, Head of Division for Child Neurology, Clinical Medical Centre, Rijeka, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine, Croatia, Head of Referral Centre for Childhood Epilepsy of Ministry of Health of Republic of Croatia

(b)   Other relevant positions/memberships: Vice-President elected of the Croatian Child Neurology Society; Vice-president elected of ILAE- Croatia Chapter, European Paediatric Neurology Society, International Child Neurology Association, Member of various governmental boards regarding child health, member of editorial board of various national scientific journals, member of various boards of University of Rijeka, Medical Faculty, Vice-dean of Medical Faculty (2003.-2008.)

Fields of interest: epilepsy, cerebral palsy, neonatal neurology, headache, EEG and evoked potentials

(c)   My present position is not in any significant conflict of interest regarding potential future member of ICNA Executive Board.

(d)   Statement: I fully embrace the vision of the ICNA and its stated goals to promote pediatric neurology and to realize our potential as clinicians, educators, advocates and researchers in the field of child neurology. As an executive member of various committees at a national level in educational, professional and scientific institutions and organisations, I can provide a rich and varied experience in promoting child neurology care and research and foster education and mentoring of the younger generations, regardless the socio-economic backgrounds or medico-technical capabilities. If an elected member of the ICNA Executive Board, I will devote myself to reducing the knowledge, treatment and care gap in pediatric neurology across the world, to enforce our collective vision with determination and enhancement of cooperation and teamwork.

Rudimar Riesgo

I am Child Neurologist since 1991, living in Brazil, South America, with Master and PhD degrees in Child Neurology. I made fellowship training in EEG and epilepsy at Miami Children’s Hospital (1996-1997) and currently I am Professor of Medicine at UFRGS (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul), Brazil.

My main interest areas are: epilepsy, learning, autism, ADHD and stroke.

I am working in the Executive Board of the following societies: AINP (Ibero America Society of Child Neurology), SBNI (Brazilian Society of Child Neurology), SBP (Brazilian Society of Pediatric). I edited two text books regarding Child Neurology in my country as well as dozen of book chapters and papers in the same field.

I am Head of the Child Neurology Unit in my University (UFRGS-Brasil), in the HCPA (Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre) a 600 beds Hospital (http://www.hcpa.ufrgs.br), the only one Public University Hospital with the Joint Commission International quality approval in my country.

The Child Neurology Unit is responsible for more than 15,000 evaluations per year. We are the second oldest Resident Program in my country, and we started in 1981. Details can be found in our Institutional Site at http://www.ufrgs.br/neuropediatria).

I do think that this regional leadership, acquired through years, can be reflected in the ICNA EB, bringing to Brazil your international experience.

I would appreciate to participate of the ICNA EB 2014 election.

I have no conflicts of interests to declare, and I never participate of the EB.

Porto Alegre, 03/14/2014

Sergio Rosemberg

(a)   My current positions are as follows:
1- Full Professor of Child Neurology at the Department of Pediatrics of the Santa Casa of São Paulo School of Medicine, São Paulo, Brazil
2- Full Professor of Neuropathology at the Department Of Pathology of the University of São Paulo School of Medicine.

(b)   Other relevant positions:
1- Chair of the ICNC14, which will be held at Iguazu Falls, Brazil.
2- Member of the boards of "Brain and Development" and "Brain Pathology".

(c)   There are no conflict of interest

(d)   The candidate was a member of the ICNA EB between 2002 and 2008. He is the only candidate from Brazil a country which should be represented in the EB.

Professor Robert Rust

Number of meetings attended: 4

(a) Thomas E. Worrell Professor of Epileptology and Neurology, Professor of Pediatrics, Adjunct Professor of Ethics and Humanities in Medicine, Training Director of Child Neurology University of Virginia, USA


  1. Presidential Advisory Council, ICNA
  2. Member, Executive Board of the CNS
  3. Historian of the CNS
  4. International Visiting Professorship of the CNS
  5. Fellow, American Neurological Association
  6. Member, Professors of Child Neurology
  7. Fellow, American Academy of Neurology
  8. Member, Executive Board, Child Neurology Section, American Academy of Neurology
  9. Chair, Child Neurology Section of the American Academy of Neurology
  10. Member, Committee on Sections, the American Academy of Neurology
  11. Senior Examiner, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology
  12. Editorial Board Journal of Child Neurology
  13. Editorial Board Pediatric Neurology

(c) I have no conflicts of interest.

(d) My desire to continue on the Executive Board is based on a strong commitment to continue to participate in our ICNA international educational mission—a commitment reflected in previous lecture engagements in nineteen countries (five continents) and extended visiting professorships (1-4 weeks) in seven countries.

Masaya Segawa

Number of meetings attended: 4

a) My current positions: Director, Segawa Neurological Clinic for Children, Tokyo, Japan.
Special Appointed Professor: Dokkyo University School of Medicine, Department of Neurology. 
Visiting Professor – 
Toho University School of Medicine. 
Juntendo University School of Medicine, Department of Neurology.
Iwate University School of Medicine, Department of Neurology.

b) Other relevant positions (current) 
Executive Board Member: International Child Neurological Association 
Medical & Scientific Advisory Board: Pediatric Neurotransmitter Disease Association
Editorial boards: Pediatric Neurology, Journal of Pediatric Sciences, Journal of Pediatric Neurology

c) There is no significant conflict of interest.

d) What I can add to the ICNA is:
I have served as an executive board member of ICNA since 2002. During these years I have strongly recognized and confirmed the important roles of ICNA as a sole international organization of child neurology for promoting the state of the art knowledge of child neurology, and helping to encourage and to progress the child neurology in the developing countries. 
I like to continue contributing particularly for the education of young child neurologists, especially in the developing countries. For evaluation of the fundamentals of the development of the brain, it is necessary to make it clear how an immature brain develops into a matured brain which performs higher cortical function with intelligence and ‘theory of mind’, the gifts given only to human beings. We should also demonstrate how a specific gene regulates these processes temporarily and spatially, and how epigenetic and environmental factors modulate these processes. With these studies we can understand the specific roles of each epoch of the developmental course of the brain for expressing normal psychomental ability and behavior after maturation, and the specific genetic and environmental factors which modulate and regulate the development of certain neuron or neuronal system at the specific epoch. Furthermore, the clarification of these processes will give us the insights for raising the child brain with ‘theory of mind’.
I believe that promoting the knowledge of child neurology, particularly the meaning of studying the developing brain, among young child neurologists is very important and urgent.

Michael Shevell MD CM, FRCP

Number of meetings attended: 4

(a) Chari-Department of Pediatrics-McGill University

Pediatrician-in-Chief-Montreal Children’s Hospital/McGill University Health Centre

Professor-Departments of Pediatrics & Neurology/Neurosurgery-McGill University Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

(b) Executive Board Member-International Child Neurology Association (2002-)
Chair-Scientific Program Committee ICNA (2012-)
Member-Scientific Programme Committee ICNA (2002-)
Chair-Bylaws Committee ICNA (2002-2010)
Member-Bylaws Committee ICNA (2002-)
Chair-Local Organizing Committee ICNC2006 (2002-2006)
President-Canadian Association of Child Neurology (2003-2005)
Chair-Ethics Committee Child Neurology Society (1997-2009)
Member-scientific Programme Committee Child Neurology Society (1998-2006, 2010-)
Member-Editorial Boards-Pediatric neurology, Journal of Child Neurology, Seminars in Pediatric Neurology
Member-Scientific Programme Committee International Pediatric Congress (2012-)

(c) No Conflict of interest to declare

(d) My involvement as an ICNA EB member since 2002, together with my implication in the organization of multiple international educational meetings, gives me both insight and practical knowledge regarding the challenges of providing educational opportunities for our global community of child neurologists.

Professor Pratibha Singhi

Number of meetings attended: 4

Current Office in ICNA:
Member, Executive Board of ICNA (2010-2014) 
Member ICNA Educational Committee, Nomination Committee.

Current Post:

  1. Professor & Chief Pediatric Neurology and Neurodevelopment
    Advanced Pediatrics Centre, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research
    Chandigarh 160012 India
  2. Chief Consultant, Prayas – Rehabilitation Centre for Disabled Children, Chandigarh

Dr. Singhi did her graduation from the University of Rajasthan, securing the first position in all the affiliated colleges in all the three MBBS examinations and won several gold medals including the President of India’s Medal. She did her MD Pediatrics from All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India in 1978.

Total experience: Almost 27 years of academics (teaching and consultancy at University Hospitals in India and abroad). Consultant Pediatric Neurologist –at The Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, UK in 2005 and 2008.

Special Training
In Pediatric Neurology, Epilepsy and Developmental Pediatrics at Royal Hospital for Sick Children Edinburgh, and at the Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK (1991) and at Johns Hopkins Hospital Baltimore, USA, and at the Kennedy Krieger Institute Baltimore, USA (1991-1992).

Research Interests include CNS infections, Neuro-developmental disorders and epilepsy. Conducted several research projects including those from WHO, ICMR, ICSSR, PGI, and INDO UK, INDO-EU and INDO-Swedish Collaborative Projects.

Contributions to Pediatric Neurology and Neurodevelopment

  • Dr. Singhi is one of the founders of the specialty of Pediatric Neurology and Neurodevelopment in India and has helped in its development through organizing several seminars, training workshops and other educational activities. She has also given talks and chaired sessions in 217 National Conferences and 85 International Conferences.
  • She started the post doctoral fellowship course – DM Pediatric Neurology in 2011.

Research: Published 249 scientific papers (128 international and 121 national) and written / edited 3 books. She has presented her research at 82 international and 215 national conferences. She has guided 90 MD, 06 DM and 07 Ph.D theses. She is aMember Editorial Board, Section Editor, Guest Editor and Reviewer - several National and International Journals and Task Force / Advisory Board Member of several national councils and expert groups including World Bank Core group.

Academic Awards and Fellowships – several including the First S. Janaki Memorial Oration by the National Academy of Medical Sciences (2013) for outstanding contribution to Pediatric and Adolescent Neurology and the First PK Mishra Oration. She received the Asian Research Award and the Medical Scientist Award and several fellowships from the National Academy of Medical Sciences, Nehru Chair Visiting Professorship, Royal College of Pediatrics and Child health London UK, Heinz Fellowship of the British Pediatric Association Indian Academy of Pediatrics, Pediatric Neurology and Epilepsy at Johns Hopkins Hospital and Neuro-Development at Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, USA, WHO Fellowship etc. She has been visiting Professor to several international and national universities.

Dr. Singhi is an Executive Board Member of ICNA, and National Delegate: Asian Oceanian Child Neurology Association. She has been president of various national pediatrics and neurology societies.

Mission Statement: 
Through the ICNA I would like to ensure the development of Child Neurology across the globe particularly in resource limited countries, and thereby help in the reduction of the burden of childhood neurological disorders.

I have actively contributed towards the functioning of ICNA including:

  1. Representation as ICNA faculty member in several ICNA educational activities (Bali, Manado, Prague, Kaunas, St. Petersburg, Cape Town, Bangalore, Pune, Lucknow, Hyderabad). In addition I have been a speaker in several ICNA conferences.
  2. Organized a collaborative workshop on clinical neurophysiology involving collaboration of International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology, ICNA and the Indian Association of Child Neurology at Hyderabad in February 2014.
  3. Edited the ICNA book on CNS Infections.
  4. Organized an ICNA educational meeting in Sri Lanka (22-23 March, 2014).
  5. Organized the symposium on Cerebral Palsy in the ICNA meeting 2014.
  6. Contributed to the ICNApedia by writing educational articles.
  7. Advocating ICNA and promoting its membership.

In summary, I have been working actively through the ICNA offices for spreading education in Child Neurology across the globe – have been an ICNA speaker in 10 educational meetings, organized a collaborative workshop of IFCN and ICNA in India, and am currently organizing an ICNA educational meeting in Sri Lanka. If elected, I would like to further my services for promoting the development of child neurology particularly in resource limited countries, and thereby help in reduction of the burden of childhood neurological disorders.

I declare that I have no conflict of interest whatsoever.

Takao Takahashi

Number of meetings attended: 3

(a) Professor and Chairman, Department of Pediatrics, Chief, Pediatric Neurology Service, Keio University School of Medicine

International Child Neurology Society
Executive Board Member
Chair of the Research Committee (2011-2012)
International League against Epilepsy
Member of Neurobiology Commission
Asian Society for Pediatric Research (ASPR)
Past President of the ASPR
Congress President of the 3rd Congress of ASPR (2007)
National Delegate of Japan
Global Pediatric Education Consortium (GPEC)
National Delegate of Japan (2010-) 
Japanese Society of Child Neurology
Executive Board Member, Chair of the Committee for International Affair
Japanese Epilepsy Society
Executive Board Member
Japanese Pediatric Society, 
Executive Board Member (2006-2012, 2014-), Secretary General (2006-2008), Vice President (2008-2012), Chair of the board of representatives (2012-2014), Chair of the Committee for International Affair (2006-)
Society for Neuroscience (USA)
Child Neurology Society (USA)

(c) There is no significant conflict of interest to be described.

(d) I would be most happy to work to 1) create/enhance training programs in the field of child neurology by networking multiple regional activities and 2) to attract ICNA members' attention more to the basic science field.

Silva N. Tenembaum, MD.

(a) Current position: Child neurologist at the National Paediatric Hospital Prof. Juan P. Garrahan in Buenos Aires, Argentina, as staff member of the Department of Neurology since 1989. The majority of my clinical time is spent in this public hospital, a referral paediatric centre.

(b) Other relevant positions:

  • Chair, Steering Committee of the International Pediatric MS Study Group from 2007-2010.
  • Chair, Nominating Committee of the International Pediatric MS Study Group since 2010.
  • Member of the Steering Committee of the Regional Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis Centers (peer review process), funded by the National MS Society (USA), 2004-2010.
  • Co-author of the “Consensus Definitions for pediatric MS and similar disorders, diagnostic considerations and psychosocial impact”, published in a special supplement on pediatric MS in Neurology, the official journal of the American Academy of Neurology (2007).
  • Member of the Neuromyelitis Optica-Roundtable Study Group since 2009, and since 2011, Chair of the pediatric subcommittee, International Panel for NMO Diagnostic Criteria Task Force.
  • Active member of the Argentine Paediatric Neurology Society (SANI).
  • Active member of LACTRIMS (Latin American Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis) since 2005.
  • Active member of the International Paediatric MS Study Group since 2002.
  • Active member of the Demyelinating Diseases Study Group, Argentine Society of Neurology (SNA), since 1998.
  • Editorial board member (Latin America advise committee) “Neuro inmunología” journal, Barcelona, since 2010.
  • Editorial board member, “Latin American Multiple Sclerosis Journal”, since 2012.

(c) Training:

My undergraduate medical training was at the University of Buenos Aires, where I graduated in 1979 with honors. I trained in pediatric neurology at the Pediatric Hospital Dr. Ricardo Gutierrez (Buenos Aires), receiving a Neurological certification in 1985. 
The investigation of neurological inflammatory/demyelinating/immune-mediated disorders in the pediatric population captured my interest from the beginning of my career. I developed a pediatric MS clinic for the comprehensive diagnostic evaluation and treatment of children and adolescents with acquired CNS inflammatory and demyelinating disorders. I am particularly interested in optimizing immunomodulation and immunosuppression in pediatric patients.

(d) Conflict of interest:

I have provided consulting services to Genzyme Corporation and Biogen-Idec. I received lecture fees and/or professional travel accommodations from Bayer Schering Pharma, Teva Pharmaceutical Ind., Biogen Idec., and Merck Serono Argentina.

(e) Why I want to be a member of the EB:

It was a great honour for me to have been nominated for election to the EB. 
The current ICNA executive board composition is world-wide in its representation, and works actively to ensure optimal interaction between different competences. I would be honoured to have the opportunity to contribute to this action plan, expanding the representation of the South America region at the same time. 
I am particularly interested to expand educational programmes dedicated to exchange information on the latest advances in clinical and basic research of immune-mediated disorders, expanding the knowledge on new diagnostic clinical and neuroimaging criteria for paediatric multiple sclerosis and neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder. 
In addition, many important developments have occurred in the last few years, in particular new therapeutic strategies for these immune-mediated disorders of the CNS. It is necessary to develop practical recommendations and guidelines on treatment optimization for paediatric patients, using the best available evidence.

Michèl Willemson

Regarding my current position: I’m head of the department of Pediatric Neurology (since Jan 2007) and acting head of the department of Neurology (since Sept 2013). My clinical and research focus is on genetic (neurodegenerative and neurometabolic) disorders of the brain, with an emphasis on pediatric movement disorders. I’m member of the board of Dutch Society of Pediatric Neurology (NVKN), and the European Pediatric Neurology Society (EPNS). As you know, I’m one of the organizers of the ICNC 2016 meeting in Amsterdam. I have no conflict of interest.

I would be extremely honoured and happy to become a member of the ICNA board since I love our profession (pediatric neurology) and I’m very eager to share my enthusiasm with colleagues around the world, irrespective of their technical and financial resources, religious background, etcetera. I believe in cooperation, and I think that education is one of the most important tools to build a better world. What I can add to the ICNA? I’m honest, friendly, open-minded, working hard, all-round (patient-care, research, education, and management), and prepared to contribute substantially to the Association.

Jo Wilmshurst

Number of meetings attended: 5

Professor Jo Wilmshurst is Head of Paediatric Neurology at the Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital, University of Cape Town, in South Africa. She is a member of the executive board of the Paediatric Neurology and Development Association of Southern Africa (PANDA-SA) and the African Child Neurology Association (ACNA). She has been Secretary of the International Child Neurology Association for the term 2010-2014. She is chair of the Commission on Paediatrics for the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE). She is director of the African Paediatric Fellowship Program – a training program under the auspices of the University of Cape which aims to develop skills in paediatric disciplines for doctors from across Africa. She is an associate editor for Epilepsia and on the editorial board for the JICNA, the Journal of Child Neurology, Epileptic Disorders, Seizure and is a regional co-Editor for Epileptology. She is not aware of any conflict of interest and is not in the employ of any pharmaceutical companies. She has interests in rare neurological disorders, such as neuromuscular diseases, and in common high impact diseases, such as epilepsy. Her work ethos is aimed towards developing improved care for children with neurological diseases especially in resource poor countries through the specialist services in her centre, training of health care specialists, the development of rational management templates which are viable in the African context, and the adaption of international recommendations. During her time on the board of the ICNA, and over the last 4 years as secretary, she has actively assisted in the organisation and taken part in all board meetings as secretary, presented at additional congresses promoting the ICNA (e.g. CNS, WCN, EPNS) and in addition coordinated educational meetings in Uganda and Cape Town, on epilepsy and cerebral palsy respectively, as well as having input into the main international congresses of the ICNC.

Professor Virginia WONG Chun-Nei

Number of meetings attended: 2

(a) Professor of Paediatric Neurology and Developmental Behavioural Paediatrics and Neurorehabilitation, Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, The University of Hong Kong.


  International Professional Bodies Post From To
1 Asian Oceanian Child Neurology Association Hong Kong Delegate 1987 Active
2 Pediatric Epilepsy Study Group in Asia Key Coordinator 2005  
3 Environmental Law Centre, United Kingdom Advisor 2005 2005
4 International Child Neurology Association Executive Board Member 2006 2014
5 Research Task Force of International Child Neurology Association Chairperson 2006 2010
6 Brighton Collaboration- 
Bell’s Palsy Working Group, University Children's Hospital Basel (UKBB), Switzerland
Member 2007 Now
7 Brighton Collaboration –
Local Reactions: Pain at Injection Site Working Group, , Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Member 2008 Now
8 International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) – "Complementary Therapy / Management" Member 2009 Now
9 International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) - Infantile Seizure Guidelines Task Force Member 2008 Now
10 International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE ) - Autism Task force Member 2008 Now
11 International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) – Guidelines Task force in Commission on Paedatrics Member 2009 Now
12 International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) – "Epilepsy-Autism Task Force" of Autism Speaks Member 2009 Now
13 International Pediatric Stroke Study group Member 2010 Now
14 World Health Organization Expert team - WHO Advisory Group of the Revision of the ICD-10 Diseases of the Nervous System Member 2010 Now
15 Brighton Collaboration –
Adverse Events for Vaccinations
Member 2010 Now
16 Steering Committee for the WHO ICF Core Set project (ASD & ADHD)-
Center of Neurodevelopmental Disorders at Karolinska Institute (KIND), Stockholm
Committee member 2013 Now
  Local Professional Bodies Post From To
1 Hong Kong Neurological Society Council Member 1988 1993
2 Hong Kong Neurological Society Honorary Treasurer 1990 1992
3 Hong Kong Neurological Society Honorary Secretary 1992 1994
4 Hong Kong Epilepsy Society President 1994 1994
5 Hong Kong Society of Child Neurology & Developmental Paediatrics Honorary Treasurer 1994 1996
6 Hong Kong Neurological Society Vice President 1994 1996
7 Hong Kong Neurological Society President 1996 1998
8 HK College of Paediatricians, Panel of specialty advisors of the Experts Committee on the use of Psychiactive Drugs, HKMA Representative 1996 now
9 Hong Kong Society of Rehabilitation Medicine Honorary Fellow 1997 Now
10 Acute Flaccid Paralysis Case, in National Committee for the Certification of Wild Poliovirus Eradication, Department of Health Expert Panel Member 1997 Now
11 The Management Committee for the Neuroscience Foundation Charitable Trust, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Non-executive director 1997 2013
12 Charitable Trust - Families of Spinal Muscular Atrophy Honorary medical Advisor 1998 Now
13 Hong Kong Neuropsychological Association Honorary Advisor 1999 Now
14 The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation - Community Rehabilitation Network Professional Advisor 1999 Now
15 Hong Kong Neuro-Muscular Disease Association Honorary Advisor 1999 Now
16 Hong Kong Epilepsy Association Honorary Consultant 1999 Now
17 Hong Kong Epilepsy Society Founding President 2002 2005
18 Hong Kong Tourist Association Convention Ambassador 2003 2005
19 HHSRF / RFCID Grant Applications, Grant Review Board, Health, Welfare and Food Bureau, Hong Kong Reviewer 2003 Now
20 Paediatric Neurological Association of Hong Kong Founding President 2009 2011
21 Hong Chi Association Research and Development Committee Member 2011 Now

(c) I do not hold any positions or shares for any pharmaceutical companies.

(d) Statement of what I see as ICNA priorities:

I think the most important strategy of ICNA is to promote, enhance, and facilitate “International Collaboration in Research & Education/Training” in order to establish ethnic or cultural differences in Practice of Child Neurology. This is particularly important as Asians and Caucasians differ in many aspects of prevalence, etiology, pharmacogenetics and pharmacodynamics of disease models. We need to assist the Asian child neurologists to upgrade their scientific standard and our young child neurologists of the western culture to learn about common neurological diseases in the resource-poor countries by promotion of exchange training programs. This can be achieved with Educational exchange programs, workshops and establishment of guidelines and protocols.

I had been an active member of the Executive Board of Directors for 2 terms i.e. 2006---2010---2014. During my first term of office, I had been the Chairperson of the ICNA Research Task Force group. I had set up a platform to facilitate “International Collaboration in Research & Education/Training” for the different regions. These posts had been regularly updated in the ICNAPaedia. During both terms of office, I had been active in organizing Focus Group meetings for the ICNA conferences in Egypt (2010) and Brisbane (2012). I was instrumental in establishing the “International Myasthenia Gravis Registry” in 2009 with 4 ICNA members and the paper had already been accepted to be published as the first paper for ICNAPedia in 2013 September.

I was graduated from the University of Hong Kong in 1979. I had been the Lecturer in 1980, Senior Lecturer in 1991 and Professor in 1996. All through my career, I had been devoting my time and energy to achieve my lifelong vision of establishing an “Integrated Child Neurology and Developmental Paediatrics Program “for paediatric trainees in Hong Kong. Meanwhile, I recognized that setting local training programs with international standard is the goal and thus I had been pursuing collaboration with the International scientific arena. I understood that this is essential for child neurologists of all ethnic origins to learn from each other through collaboration in research, education and training. In Hong Kong, I am one of the pioneer workers for Paediatric Neurology. I was the President of the Hong Kong Neurology Society (1996-1998). I had been the Chair of the Working group for setting up the Hong Kong Society of Child Neurology & Developmental Paediatrics (1992-1994), Founding President of the Hong Kong Epilepsy Society (2002-2004) and Founding President of the Paediatric Neurology Association of Hong Kong (2009-2011). I had built up a Tripartite Training program for “Child Neurology/Developmental Paediatrics and Neurohabilitation” locally in Hong Kong since 1985 after my postgraduate training in UK. I understand that in Asia, we are never at par with our western counterparts in resources for research and education. Thus we need to build our own model based on our limited resources. In Hong Kong, we had finally achieved the Accreditation of 2 subspecialties of Developmental Behavioural Paediatrics and Paediatric Neurology under the Hong Kong College of Paediaticians in 2013 and these had been the second and third subspecialty training programs to be accredited. Our Centre in Duchess of Kent Children’s Hospital had been accredited as training Centre for both subspecialties. This is an important milestone for our local trainees. I had organized several Regional and international conferences for Epilepsy, Autism, Neuromuscular Diseases, Myasthenia Gravis, Neuro-disabilities, Neurometabolic Diseases and Mitochondrial diseases in Hong Kong. I am sure I can achieve these goals for other parts of Asian region in case I am elected to the Board of Directors.

This is especially important for the Asians. With my past active network with child neurologists in Asia (as the National Delegate for the Asian Oceanian Child Neurology Association since 1985) and China (Organization and invited speakers of training programs for child neurology/developmental paediatrics and neurohabilitation since 1988), I am sure I can achieve my vision of setting up the milestones of linking the East and the West.

Jiang Yu Wu

ICNA is the biggest academic association of child neurologists around the world, I consider ICNA as a good career, because it is the big family of all child neurologists, and our effort in ICNA will benefit all kids with neurological diseases. I was the secretary general of the joint congress of 9th ICNC/7th AOCCN in Beijing in 2002, and I attended and was an invited speaker in several ICNC since 2006 (10th, 11th, 12th ICNC). So, I understand the vision and mission of ICNA, and I am ambitious to dedicate myself to this great career.

I am the director of Child Neurology Center in Peking University First Hospital, the first established and the nowadays still biggest child neurology center in China. As the head of the leading unit, I have very good relationship and friendship with almost all leaders of child neurology centers in China. I am also secretary general of Chinese Child Neurology Society (CCNS), and our CCNS support me to be one of the candidates for ICNA board member. As the positions and platform I have, I think I have most chances to unite almost all child neurologists to promote our career in China, and finally benefit all patients here. I believe, with the help of ICNA, the CCNS will become one of the most active and high academic group in the big family of ICNA in near future, and child neurology in China will have a more bright future.

Conflicts of interest

I haven’t any conflict of interest for being a candidate for election to the ICNA Executive Board.

Nikolay Zavadenko

(a)   Professor, Head of the Neurology, Neurosurgery and Medical Genetics Department, Pediatric Faculty, Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I.Pirogov, Moscow, Russian Federation

(b)   A member of the Russian Society of Neurologists.

A member of the journals’ editorial boards:
S.S. Korsakov Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry (Moscow, Russia)
Social Pediatrics and Rehabilitation (Kiev, Ukraine)
Pediatrics. Journal named after G.N. Speranskiy (Moscow, Russia)

(c)   No conflicts of interests

(d)   To promote the international collaboration in the dynamic, fascinating and fast-growing field of paediatric neurology and engage with the colleagues in Russia and neighbouring countries to support the effective implementation of the ICNA acknowledged ideas and principles of the best clinical practice and scientific research.

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