Association Between Sleep Problems and Perinatal Factors and Maternal Psychopathology in Toddlers at Risk for Autism

Bilgihan Bikmazer, Alperen Bikmazer, Esra Altinbilek, Beyza Fetanet Gürel, Fulya Bakır, Vahdet Gormez
Objectives: The current study was aimed to examine the relationship between sleep characteristics and the presence of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) diagnosis and to examine the role of maternal psychopathology and perinatal factors in relation to sleep problems. Methods: The sample consists of 131 young children aged 18-42 months referred mainly with suspected ASD. A socio-demographic form which included perinatal factors prepared for the purpose of study was filled and CARS (Childhood Autism Rating Scale) was rated by the clinician. The Children’s Sleep Habits Questionnaire (CSHQ) and The Symptom Checklist-90-Revised (SCL-90-R) was filled by the mothers. Results: Results showed that toddlers with ASD had more sleep onset delay and sleep anxiety. Bedtime resistance scores was higher in prematüre children. Obsessive-compulsive disorder symptoms and depression symptoms were more common in mothers with a risky pregnancy history. Children of mothers with obsessive compulsive disorder had more bed time resistance and sleep anxiety, children of mothers with depression and of mothers with anxiety had more bed time resistance, sleep anxiety, night wakings, parasomnia, sleep disordered breathing. Conclusion: Our findings indicated that there were relation between sleep habits, maternal psychopathology, neurodevelopmental problems and perinatal factors. We recommend a comprehensive evaluation including sleep characteristics, perinatal history and maternal mental problems during neurodevelopmental evaluation in toddlers.

Keywords: Autism spectrum disorder, Sleep problems, Maternal psychopathology, Perinatal factors

Bilgihan Bikmazer
University of Health Sciences Zeynep Kamil Hospital

Alperen Bikmazer
Istanbul Medeniyet University School Of Medicine

Esra Altinbilek
Istanbul Medeniyet University School Of Medicine

Beyza Fetanet Gürel
Bogazici University

Fulya Bakır
Istanbul Medeniyet University School Of Medicine

Vahdet Gormez
Istanbul Medeniyet University School Of Medicine

Bilgihan Bikmazer 
University of Health Sciences Zeynep Kamil Hospital