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Further reading

AMAN, M.G., SINGH, N.N., STEWART, A.W. et al (1985) The Aberrant Behaviour Checklist: a behavior rating scale
for the assessment of treatment effects. Am. J. Ment. Defic. 89, 485-491.
BECK, A.T. and STEER, R.A. (1997) The Beck Depression Inventory Manual. The Psychological Corporation, San
Antonio, Texas.
BEAVIS, J., KERR, M. and MARSON, A.G. (2007) Non-pharmacological interventions for epilepsy in people with
intellectual disabilities. Cochrane Database Systematic Review 17(4).
BEAVIS, J., KERR, M. and MARSON, A.G. (2007) Pharmacological interventions for epilepsy in people with
intellectual disabilities (Review). The Cochrane Library 3, 1-15.
BOWLEY, C. and KERR, M.P. (2000) Epilepsy and intellectual disability – a review. J. Intellectual Disabil. Res. 44,
BRANFORD, D. and COLLACOTT, R.D. (1994) Comparison of community and institutional prescription of
antiepileptic drugs for individuals with learning disabilities. J. Intellectual Disabil. Res. 38, 561-566.
BRANTER, S. and FEUCHT, M. (1992) Gamma-vinyl-gaba (vigabatrin) in Lennox-Gastaut syndrome: an open trial.
Seizure 27 (Suppl. 7).
BRODIE, M., RICHENS, A. and YUEN, A. (1995) Double-blind comparison of lamotrigine and carbamazepine in
newly diagnosed epilepsy. Lancet 345, 476-479.
CORBETT, J. (1993) Epilepsy and mental handicap. In: J. Laidlaw, A. Richens and D. Chadwick (Eds), A Textbook of
Epilepsy, Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh.
DE SILVA, M. MACARDLE, B., MCGOWAN, M. et al (1996) Randomised comparative monotherapy trial of
phenobarbitone, phenytoin, carbamazepine, or sodium valproate for newly diagnosed childhood epilepsy. Lancet 347,
FELCE, D. and REPP, A. (1992). The behavioral and social ecology of community houses. Res. Develop. Disabil. 13,
FELCE, D and PERRY, J. (1995). Quality of life: Its definition and measurement. Res. Develop. Disabil. 16, 51-74.
FELCE, D and PERRY, J. (1995). The extent of support for ordinary living provided in staffed housing: the relationship
between staffing levels, resident characteristics, staff: resident interactions and resident activity patterns. Soc. Science
Med. 6, 799-810.
IASSID Guidelines Group (Corresponding author) (2001) Clinical guidelines for the management of epilepsy in adults
with an intellectual disability. Seizure, 1 (6), 401-409.
JACOBY, A., BAKER, G., BRYANT-COMSTOCK, L. et al (1996) Lamotrigine add-on therapy is associated with
improvement of mood in patients with severe epilepsy. Epilepsia 37 ( Suppl. 5), 202.
KALVIAINEN, R., AIKIA, M., SAUKKONEN, A.M. et al (1995) Vigabatrin versus carbamazepine monotherapy in
patients with newly diagnosed epilepsy: a randomised controlled study. Arch. Neurol. 52, 989-996
KERR, M.P. and Guidelines Working Group (2009) Consensus guidelines into the management of epilepsy in adults
with an intellectual disability. J. Intellectual Disabil. Res. 53(8), 687-94.
MATTSON, R.H., CRAMER, J.A. and COLLINS, J.F. (1992) A comparison of valproate with carbamazepine for the
treatment of complex partial seizures and secondarily generalized tonic-clonic seizures in adults. N. Engl. J. Med. 327,
NIHIRA, K., LELAND, H. and LAMBERT, N. (1993) Adaptive Behaviour Scales. American Association on Mental
Retardation, Austin, Texas.
SACHDEO, R., KUGLER, S., WENGER, E. et al (1996) Topiramate in Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. Epilepsia 37 (Suppl.
4), 118.
TODD, S. and SHEARN, J. (1996) Struggles with time: the careers of parents with adult sons and daughters with learning
disabilities. Disabil. Soc. 11 (3), 379-401.
TRIMBLE, M. and DODSON, W. (1994) Epilepsy and Quality of Life. Raven Press, New York.
TRIMBLE, M. (1996) Anticonvulsants and Psychopathology. In: J. Sackellares and S.P. Berrent (Eds), Psychological
Disturbances in Epilepsy. Butterworth-Heinemann, Boston.
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