Page 414 - ILAE_Lectures_2015
P. 414

Behavioural symptom, such as
                                    worsening aggression, is
                                    Take history and precise
                                    description of behaviour

          Review EEG                       |                         Ask most appropriate
                                           |                     individual family member or
Ask family for video recording             |
                                           |                       carer to record seizures,
Identify professionals involved  _______|_______                   behaviours, drug timing
   (e.g. behavioural support,              |
      nursing, psychiatry,                 |                       Ask for record of events
           psychology)                     |                      preceding, during and after
                                     Meet again

_____________                    Assess with written record the  ____________
                                   likelihood of causation of
                                   behaviour by assessing the
                                    following three options:


   Behaviour caused by             Behaviour caused by           Behaviour independent of
           seizures                      medication                seizures or medication
               |                               |                                |
               |                               |                                |
               |                               |                                |

No external environmental        Association with starting       Long-term environmental
         precipitant                     medication                      precipitants

Behaviour identical on each      Association with timing of      Factors as in Table 3
           occasion                       medication

Post or pre-ictal picked up by   Dose relationship

Figure 1. Assessing behavioural symptoms in epilepsy in people
                        with learning disability.
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