Page 312 - ILAE_Lectures_2015
P. 312

Table 3. Continued

Panayiotopoulos        CBZ, LTG, LEV,          CBZ, CLB, GBP,
syndrome               OXC, VPA                LTG, LEV, OXC,
                                               VPA, TPM

Late-onset childhood   CBZ, LTG, LEV,          CBZ, CLB, GBP,
occipital epilepsy     OXC                     LTG, LEV, OXC,
(Gastaut type)                                 VPA, TPM
                       Discuss with or refer
Infantile spasms not   to a tertiary
due to tuberous        paediatric epilepsy
sclerosis              specialist

Infantile spasms due   Steroid (prednisolone
to tuberous sclerosis  or tetracosactide) or

                       Discuss with or refer
                       to a tertiary
                       paediatric epilepsy

Dravet syndrome        VGB or steroid          CLB, stiripentol  CBZ, GBP,
                       (prednisolone or                          LTG, OXC,
                       tetracosactide)                           PHT, PGB,
                                                                 TGB, VGB
                       Discuss with, or refer
                       to a tertiary                             CBZ, GBP,
                       paediatric epilepsy                       OXC, PGB,
                       specialist                                TGB, VGB

Lennox-Gastaut         VPA, TPM                LTG               CBZ, OXC,
syndrome                                                         VGB
                       Discuss with or refer
                       to a tertiary                             CBZ, OXC
                       paediatric epilepsy

Landau-Kleffner        VPA
                       Refer to a tertiary
                       paediatric epilepsy

Continuous spike-      Steroids, LTG, VPA      LEV, TPM
wave in slow sleep
                       Refer to a tertiary
Myoclonic-astatic      paediatric epilepsy
epilepsy               specialist

                       Steroids, CLB, VPA,     LTG, TPM
                       LTG, ESM

                       Refer to a tertiary
                       paediatric epilepsy

                       VPA, LEV
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