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Neonatal seizures

  • Neonatal epileptic seizures occur from birth to the end of the neonatal period.
  • The neonatal period is defined as the first 28 days of life of a full-term infant.
  • Most neonatal seizures are acute (pro-voked, occasional, reactive) symptomatic seizures caused by an acute illness such as hypoxic–ischaemic encephalopathy, stroke or infection.
  • seizures are the most common and important sign of acute neonatal encephalopathy
  • neonatal seizures are a major risk for death or subsequent neurological disability and, by themselves, may contribute to an adverse neuro-developmental outcome.
  • The ILAE Commission (1989)[1] broadly classifies the neonatal seizures among ‘epilepsies and syndromes undetermined as to whether they are focal or generalised’ under the subheading ‘with both generalised and focal seizures’
  • In the ILAE (2010)[2] revised classification neonatal seizures are no longer regarded as a separate entity.

Five main types of seizures are recognised[3]

  • subtle seizures (50%)
  • tonic seizures (5%)
  • clonic seizures (25%)
  • myoclonic seizures (20%)
  • non-paroxysmal repetitive behaviours

Subtle seizures

  • most common type; subtle clinical manifestations
  • ocular movements (random and roving eye movements to sustained conjugate tonic deviation with or without jerking)
  • Eyelid blinking or fluttering, eyes rolling up, eye opening, fixation of a gaze or nystagmus may occur alone or with other ictal manifestations
  • oral–buccal–lingual movements (sucking, chewing, smacking and tongue protrusions)
  • progression movements (rowing, swimming, pedalling, bicycling, thrashing or struggling movements)
  • complex purposeless movements (sudden arousal with episodic limb hyperactivity and crying)[4]

Clonic seizures

  • rhythmic jerks that may localise in a small part of the face or limbs, axial muscles and the diaphragm, or be multifocal or hemiconvulsive.
  • Multifocal clonic seizures may migrate to other body parts or other limbs. Todd’s paresis follows prolonged hemiconvulsions.

Tonic seizures

  • manifest with sustained contraction of facial, limb, axial and other muscles
  • may be focal, multifocal or generalised, symmetrical or asym-metrical
  • Truncal or limb tonic extensions imitate decerebrate or decorticate posturing (occur particularly in pre-term infants and have a poor prognosis because they frequently accompany intra-ventricular haemorrhage)[5]

Myoclonic seizures

  • rapid, single or arrhythmic repetitive jerks. They may affect a finger, a limb or the whole body. They may mimic Moro reflex and startling responses
  • more frequently in pre-term than in full-term infants indicating, if massive, major brain injury and poor prognosis[6].
  • healthy pre-term and, although rarely, full-term neonates may have abundant myoclonic movements during sleep
  • Neonates have cortical, reticular and segmental types of myoclonus, similar to adult forms (Scher, 1985).


  • flexion or extension spasms similar to those of West syndrome are rare
  • slower than myoclonic and clonic seizures and faster than tonic seizures

Autonomic ictal manifestations

  • autonomic ictal manifestations commonly occur with motor manifestations in 37% of subtle seizures
  • paroxysmal changes of heart rate, respiration and systemic blood pressure, salivation, pupillary changes
  • Apnoea, as an isolated seizure phenomenon unaccompanied by other clinical epileptic features, is rare[6]

The duration of neonatal seizures is usually brief (10 s to 1–2 min) and repetitive with a median of 8 min in between each seizure. Longer seizures and status epilepticus develop more readily at this age, but convulsive neonatal status epilepticus is not as severe as that of older infants and children.

  • many of the subtle seizures, generalised tonic posturing and some myoclonic symptoms may be non-epileptic seizures[7][8]
  • show clinical similarities to reflex behaviours of the neonates, but are not associated with ictal EEG discharges and commonly correlate with diffuse abnormal brain processes such as hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy and a poor short-term outcome.
  • considered as ‘brain-stem release phenomena’- exaggerated reflex behaviours due to abnormal release of brain-stem tonic mechanisms from cortical control
  • most typically occur in neonates with clinical and EEG evidence of forebrain depression that may release brain stem facilitatory centres for generating reflex behaviours without cortical inhibition[7][8].

interictal EEG

  • epileptogenic spikes or sharp slow wave foci on interictal EEG are not reliable markers
  • Zip-like electrical discharges (high frequency rapid spikes of accelerating and decelerating speed, starting from various locations, terminating in one while continuing in another) in severe hypoxia
    Zip-like electrical discharges
  • Theta pointu alternant in benign neonatal convulsions
    Theta pointu alternant
  • Quasi-periodic focal or multifocal pattern in neonatal herpes simplex encephalitis
  • persistently focal sharp or slow waves in localised lesions.
  • Periodic complexes in glycine encephalopathy
  • suppression–burst pattern in neonatal epileptic encephalopathies
    suppression-burst pattern

Ictal EEG

  • may be focal or multifocal appearing in a normal or abnormal background and vary in frequency, amplitude and morphology in the same or subsequent seizures
  • paroxysms consist of
    • repetitive waves with a predominant beta, alpha, theta and delta range or a mixture of all of varying frequency
    • spikes, sharp or saw tooth or sinusoidal waves (monomorphic or polymorphic) ranging in amplitude from very low to very high
  • patterns associated with severe encephalopathies and usually poor prognosis
    • Alpha seizure discharges - sustained and rhythmic activity of 12 Hz and 20–70 μV in the centrotemporal regions
    • discharges of low voltage and long duration which are highly localised on one side and shows little tendency to spread

Stimulus-evoked electrographic patterns

  • electrographic seizures are elicited by tactile or painful stimulation (with or without concomitant clinical ictal manifestations)
  • represent an abnormal form of cortical reactivity to sensory stimuli in the developing brain[10]
  • most neonates with these patterns have significant diffuse or multifocal damage to the neocortex

Electroclinical dissociation

  • clinical component of a seizure occurs at times with or without an electrical correlate
  • ‘decoupling response’ - commonly seen after starting AEDs where AEDs may suppress the clinical manifestations of seizures but not the EEG ictal discharge
  • may arise from foci not consistently echoed by surface electrodes[11]
  • depends on the underlying cause[5]
  • Indicators of bad prognosis
    • Severe hypoxia–ischaemia
    • Severe congenital malformations of cortical development and meningoencephalitis
    • Subtle and generalised tonic seizures
    • Nearly flat EEG or of very low voltage and discontinuous EEG with bursts of high-voltage spikes and slow activity
  • Indicators of good prognosis
    • Hypocalcaemia (alimentary type) and other transient metabolic changes
    • Extracranial infections with seizures (otitis, pneumonia, gastroenteritis, etc.)
    • Benign familial and non-familial convulsions
    • Clonic seizures that are short and infrequent
    • Normal inter-ictal EEG
  • Indicators of intermediate or guarded prognosis
    • Moderately severe central nervous system (CNS) infections or malformations
    • Most of the intracranial haemorrhages or infarctions
    • More serious metabolic CNS disturbances
    • EEG persistence of immature patterns
    • Frequent or prolonged clonic seizures and clonic status epilepticus


  • Neuroimaging
    • CT, MRI, Cranial USS
  • EEG
  • Blood tests
  • CSF studies


  • limited evidence regarding the best pharmacologic treatment for neonatal seizures

1. a 2502382
2. a 20196795
3. a 2671912
4. a Mizrahi EM, Watanabe K. Symptomatic neonatal seizures. In: Roger J, Bureau M, Dravet C, Genton P, Tassinari CA, Wolf P, eds. Epileptic syndromes in infancy, childhood and adolescence. Fourth edition, pp 17–38. Montrouge, John Libbey & Co. Ltd, 2005.
5. a, b Panayiotopoulos CP. (2005). The Epilepsies: Seizures, Syndromes and Management. Oxfordshire (UK): Bladon Medical Publishing
6. a, b 7124705
7. a, b Mizrahi EM. Neonatal seizures. In: Pellock JM, Bourgeois BFD, Dodson WE, eds. Pediatric epilepsy:Diagnosis and treatment (third edition) pp. 229-40. New York: Demos Medical Publishing, 2008.
8. a, b Mizrahi EM, Kellaway P. Diagnosis and management of neonatal seizures. Hagerstown: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1999
9. a 11727229
10. a long:9546495
11. a 1764139
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  • Last modified: 2020/02/23 12:59
  • by icna