Important. These pages are retained here for historical purposes only and some of the information may be deprecated. The ICNA would like to thank everyone for making the congress a great success. We look forward to welcoming you again in Taipei, Taiwan for the ICNC2026.

General Information

To find out whether you need a visa to visit Brazil, see the Embassy of Brazil website or check with your local Brazil Embassy/Consulate or other diplomatic representative before you travel. The rules change regularly, so you should check you have the most up to date information for your trip. The visa requirements for Brazil by country can also be viewed here

In general foreign citizens travelling to Brazil as tourists or as participants in conferences, seminars, must have a ‘Tourist Visa’.Applicants intending to travel accompanied by spouses and children should also apply for a tourist visa for them.

 When travelling to Brazil on tourism, citizens of the following countries are exempted from a tourist visa:

Andorra, Argentina, Austria, Bahamas, Barbados, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Chile, Cyprus, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, El Salvador, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macau, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Monaco, Morocco, Namibia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, the Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, the Sovereign Order of Malta, Spain, Suriname, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Trinidad & Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Uruguay, the Vatican and Venezuela.

Nationals of Kosovo and Taiwan: Visas are to be issued on a Brazilian “Laissez-Passer”, for a period not exceeding ninety days. Prior approval required.

Citizens from the following countries are subject to prior approval from the Brazilian Ministry of External Relations: Central African Republic, Nepal, Nigeria, North Korea and Senegal.

Holders of travel documents/Certificate of Identity (as opposed to an ordinary passport) issued by any country also require prior approval.

Further information can be found on the Brazilian Embassy / Consulate website in your country.

Letter of Invitation

Participants that require an official letter of invitation in order to obtain a visa, to raise travel funds or for administrative purposes should apply for this invitation by at least 8 weeks prior to the meeting at the very latest. It should be understood, however, that such an invitation is not a commitment on the part of the organisers to provide financial support. 

An invitation letter can only be issued which includes the period of the conference plus the Saturdays and Sundays directly before and after the conference, respectively.

Letters of invitation for those not registered by March 1, 2014 will be cancelled

We would like to point out that invitation letters are only sent to the address indicated by the applicant. The provided name and address must exactly match that on your passport. All letters will be emailed to you as a signed PDF document, for you to print as required. The ICNC2014 organizing committee will NOT send invitation letters to embassies, neither by fax/email nor by separate post. The applicants are responsible to take care of their own visa application and need to directly contact the respective embassy. Please consider that the invitation letter is a standard letter which will not be modified individually.

In order to request an invitation letter you need to complete the form available here. Please note that you are responsible for contacting the relevant Brazilian Embassy and for finding out what kind of visa you require. Please allow sufficient time for the  local Embassy to process your visa.

If you are travelling to one of the three countries (Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay) below then you
do not need a VISA if you are from any of the countries listed under each of them.

Andorra Andorra Argentina
Argentina Australia (*) Austria
Austria Austria Belgium
Bahamas Barbados Bolivia
Belgium Belgium Brazil
Beni Bolivia Chile
Bolivia Brazil Chipre
Bulgaria Bulgaria Colombia
Chile Canada (*) Costa Rica
Colombia Chile Denmark
Costa Rica Chipre Ecuador
Croatia Colombia El Salvador
Czech Republic Costa Rica Estonia
Denmark Croatia Finland
Ecuador Czech Republic France
Finland Denmark Germany
France Dominican Republic Greece
Germany Ecuador Israel
Greece El Salvador Italy
Guatemala Estonia Japan
Guyana Finland Latvia
Honduras France Liechtenstein
Hungary Germany Lithuania
Iceland Greece Luxembourg
Israel Guatemala Malta
Italy Guyana Netherlands
Liechtenstein Haiti Norway
Luxembourg Honduras Panama
Malaysia Hong Kong Peru
Malta Hungary Poland
Marrocos Iceland Portugual
Monaco Israel Slovakia
Naníbia Italy Slovakia
Netherlands Japan Slovenia
New Zealand Latvia South Africa
Norway Liechtenstein Spain
Panama Lithuania Sweden
Paraguay Luxembourg Switzerland
Peru Macedonia United Kingdom
Philippines Malta Uruguay
Poland Mexico Vatican
Portugal Monaco Venezuela
San Marino Netherlands  
Slovakia New Zealand  
Slovenia Nicaragua  
South Africa Norway  
South Korea Panama  
Spain Paraguay  
Suriname Peru  
Sweden Poland  
Switzerland Portugal  
Thailand Romania  
Trinidad and Tobago Russia  
Turkey Saint Kitts and Nevis  
United Kingdom Saint Lucia  
Uruguay Saint Vincent and the Grenadines  
Vatican San Marino  
Venezuela Serbia and Montenegro  
  South Africa  
  South Korea  
  Trinidad and Tobago  
  United Kingdom  
  USA (*)  


(*) Reciprocity Tax to Argentina

  1. North American US$ 160 - Worth for more than one entry; valid for 10 years.
  2. Canadians US$ 75 – Valid for a single entry; valid for 90 days or US$ 150 - Valid for more than one entry; valid for 05 years
  3. Australians US$ 100 - Valid for more than one entry; valid for 01 year. 

Payments and information:


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