Important. These pages are retained here for historical purposes only and some of the information may be deprecated. The ICNA would like to thank everyone for making the congress a great success. We look forward to welcoming you again in Taipei, Taiwan for the ICNC2026.

13th ICNC BrazilThe following symposia proposals have been selected after review by the Scientific Program Committee (SPC) of ICNC2014 for inclusion in the Final Program.Over 60 symposia were submitted for consideration. Each symposia was reviewed and ranked independently by each member of the SPC to yield a composite average score. The rankings were then reviewed to ensure that no one individual had more than one symposia selected.

In addition two symposia were combined due to broad topic overlap and some attention was paid to ensure proper geographic diversity. In this way the final selection was arrived at. Time and space limitations restricted the final number of symposia to 16.

Many thanks to everyone for submitting your highly regarded proposals. We look forward to seeing you all in Iguazu Falls, Brazil in May 2014 for what will be a tremendous scientific and social gathering.

The following is the list of symposia proposals accepted for ICNC2014

Symposia Proposal Chair Country
Focal Epilepsies- Advances in Genetics Ingrid Scheffer Australia
Genetics in Infantile Epileptic Encephalopathy Kim Heung Dong South Korea
The Clinical Context of Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Hilla Ben-Pazi Israel
Inherited Leukoencephalopathies Deborah Renaud USA
Pediatric Demyelinating Disorders and MS Evangeline Wasssmer UK
Cerebral Palsy Pratibha Singhi India
Neurometabolic Disorders-Treatment Update Ingrid Tein Canada
Improving outcomes in childhood epilepsy Lieven Lagae
Helen Cross
Brain Stimulation in Children; Neurophysiology and Therapeutics Adam Kirton Canada
Frontiers in Neuroprotection of the Neonatal Brain Rand Askalan Canada
Acute Leukoencephalopathies in Children Silvia Tenembaum Argentina
Neuroinflammation Leonardo de Azevado Brazil
Childhood Headaches - Current treatment and Research Kenneth Mack USA
Update on Neuroimaging Harry Chugani USA
Update on Neuromuscular Diseases Rosalin Quinlivan UK

Michael Shevell, MD CM, FRCPC, FAAN, FANA
Scientific Program Committee