Exploring The Connection Between Autism And Epilepsy

Background: Autism spectrum disorders and epilepsy frequently co-occur, posing a significant challenge. Recognizing this intricate connection is crucial for developing tailored treatment strategies and enhancing the quality of life for individuals affected by both conditions. This emphasizes the necessity for comprehensive, interdisciplinary care that addresses both autism and epilepsy simultaneously.

Objectives: To understand the prevalence of epilepsy in autistic children and its correlation with diagnostic and severity assessment scores in autism.

Methods: We retrospectively analysed data from children with autism spectrum disorder in our division. Additionally, we conducted a scoping review of existing literature from PubMed and Google Scholar on the autism-epilepsy relationship, comparing it with our cohort. Exclusion criteria included animal studies, irrelevant titles/abstracts, inaccessible, and duplicate studies.

Results: The retrospective data of 2289 children with ASD were analysed, wherein the prevalence of epilepsy was around 12% and had a higher mean CARS score (36.8 ± 2.4 vs 33.2 ± 1.7; p = 0.03), mean ABC score (88.6 ± 10.3 vs 80.2 ± 8.7; p=0.04), and prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity (76% vs 34%; p = 0.02). Intellectual disability is a major risk factor along with developmental delay & syndromic epilepsy.

Conclusion: 12% of autistic children have epilepsy, and there's a higher prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, indicating a significant connection. Our findings align with existing research regarding the impact of intellectual disability on epilepsy in autism. This underscores the need for comprehensive care to improve the quality of life for affected individuals.

Sheffali Gulati
All India Institute of Medical Sciences

Gautam Kamila
All India Institute of Medical Sciences

Aakash Mahesan
All India Institute of Medical Sciences

Kaushik Ragunathan
All India Institute of Medical Sciences

Puneet Choudhary
All India Institute of Medical Sciences

Sakshi Ojha
All India Institute of Medical Sciences


Sheffali Gulati
All India Institute of Medical Sciences

  • About the Author: Sheffali Gulati