Pediatric Neuroscience On Stamps
Objective: Stamps, once a vital means of international communication, have evolved into symbolic representations of medical achievements and advocacy. Thematic or topical philately deals with stamps collected based on particular topic or theme. The world of philately offers a unique window into the history and progress of pediatric neuroscience. The objective of this article is to examine the representation of child neurology themes within medical philately. Our study may provide a deeper appreciation for the ongoing efforts to improve the lives of children affected by neurological conditions.
Method: Examination of all stamps issued worldwide depicting disorders that affect children’s neurological health and pediatric neuroscience.
Results: The authors gathered and studied a large part of the stamps produced in the world on the theme of child neurology and related topics.
Conclusions: Before the advent of electronic means of communication, postal stamps were one of the main international promotional tools on the planet. They still remain an important means of dissemination of information. Philately is being adapted to the electronic age of communication. It is a noble theme stimulating interest in the achievements of the past. "The longer you look back, the further you can look forwards" said Sir Winston Churchill while addressing Royal College of Physicians in 1944. As we adapt to the electronic age of communication, hopefully, the value of philately endures, serving as a tangible link to our past.
Asit Tripathy
Blank Children's Hospital
United States
Leenu Mishra
Blank Children's Hospital
United States
Aditi Tripathy
University of Iowa
United States

Asit Tripathy
Blank Children's Hospital
United States