Acute Neurological Complications And Risk Factors For Encephalitis In COVID-19 Children: A Retrospective Cohort Study
Background:Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) may occur in conjunction with both acute infection and neurological symptoms. The neurological complications in these patients vary based on patient age and underlying comorbidities. Our study provides a concise overview of neurological complications and risk factors for encephalitis in pediatric COVID-19 cases. Materials and Methods: The retrospective study reviewed medical records of all patients who were admitted to our hospital and were diagnosed with COVID-19 by real-time reversetranscription polymerase-chain-reaction (RT-PCR) assay or a COVID-19 antigen self-test positive between December 16, 2022 and December 31 2022. Results: 42 patients confirmed as COVID-19 positive admitted to the hospital showed acute neurological complication that including simple febrile seizure (16,38.0%), complex febrile seizure (13,30.9%), Seizure without fever(4, 9.5%), febrile Seizure cannot be catogrized(2, 4.6%), headache (1, 2.3%),infectious toxic encephalopathy (2, 4.6%) and encephalitis (4, 9.5%). Among seizure COVID-19 patients, impaired consciousness was the independent risk factors for encephalitis. Duration of seizure lasted more than 10 minutes and meningeal irritation increased the likehood of encephalitis. Conclusion: The results indicated that seizure is the most frequent acut neurological manifestations in COVID-19 pediatric patients and impaired consciousness was the independent risk factors for encephalitis. Duration of seizure
Zhijie Zhang
Shanghai Jiaotong University schoole of medicine xinhua hospital
ling li
Shanghai Jiaotong University schoole of medicine xinhua hospital