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8. HARVEY, A.S., CROSS, J.H., SHINNAR, S., MATHERN, G.W., and the Paediatric Epilepsy Surgery Survey
Taskforce (2008) Defining the spectrum of international practice in paediatric epilepsy surgery patients. Epilepsia
49, 46-155.
of the Task Force for Paediatric Epilepsy Surgery, Commission for Paediatrics, and the Diagnostic Commission
of the International League Against Epilepsy (2014) Diagnostic test utilization in evaluation for resective epilepsy
surgery in children; recommendations on behalf of the Task Force for Paediatric Epilepsy Surgery (of the
Commission for Paediatrics)* and the Diagnostic Commission of the ILAE. Epilepsia 55(4), 507–518.
10. SMITH, S.J.M., ANDERMANN, F., VILLEMURE, J.-G. et al (1991) Functional hemispherectomy: EEG
findings spiking from isolated brain postoperatively and prediction of outcome. Neurology 41, 1790-1794.
11. DORING, S., CROSS, H., BOYD, S. et al (1999) The significance of bilateral abnormalities before and after
hemispherectomy in children with unilateral major hemisphere lesions. Epilepsy Res 34, 65-73.
12. TAYLOR, D.C., NEVILLE, B.G.R. and CROSS, J.H. (1997) New measures of outcome of the surgical treatment
of epilepsy. Epilepsia 38, 625-630.
13. WYLLIE, E., COMAIR, Y., KOTAGAL, P. et al (1998) Seizure outcome after epilepsy surgery in children and
adolescents. Ann Neurol 44, 740-748.
14. MATHERN, G.W., GIZA, C.C., YUDOVIN, S. et al (1999) Postoperative seizure control and antiepileptic drug
use in pediatric epilepsy surgery patients: the UCLA experience, 19761997. Epilepsia 40, 1740-1749.
15. DEVLIN, A.M., CROSS, J.H., HARKNESS, W. et al (2003) Clinical outcomes of hemispherectomy for epilepsy
in childhood and adolescence. Brain 126, 556-566.
16 D’ARGENZIO, L., COLONELLI, M.C., HARRISON, S. et al (2012) Seizure outcome after extratemporal
epilepsy surgery in childhood. Dev Med Child Neurol 54(11), 995-1000.
17. McLELLAN, A., DAVIES, S., HEYMAN, I. et al (2005) Psychopathology in children undergoing temporal lobe
resection – a pre and post-operative assessment. Dev Med Child Neurol 47, 666-672.
18. BOSHUISEN, K,, ARZIMANOGLOU, A., CROSS, J.H. et al for the ‘TimeToStop’ study group (2012) Timing
of AED withdrawal does not influence long-term seizure outcome after paediatric epilepsy surgery. The
‘TimeToStop’ study. Lancet Neurol 11(9), 784-91.
Further reading
ENGEL, J. Jr. (1993) Surgical Treatment of the Epilepsies, 2nd Edition. Raven Press, New York.
DUCHOWNY, M., CROSS, J.H., ARZIMANOGLOU, A. (2012) Paediatric Epilepsy. McGraw Hill, New York.
RYVLIN, P., CROSS, J.H., RHEIMS, S. (2014) Epilepsy surgery in adults and children. Lancet Neurol 13, 1114-1126.
MALMGREN, K., CROSS, J.H., BAXENDALE, S. (2015) Long Term Outcome of Epilepsy Surgery. Springer, Berlin.