Page 76 - EEG of Newborn and Infants
P. 76
EEG of Early Childhood (12-36 Months)
Continuity Continuous
Interhemispheric synchrony No significant asynchrony
Differentiation of waking and sleeping Good
Posterior basic alpha rhythm Rising from 5-6/sec to 8/sec
Slow activity (awake) Considerable
Temporal theta burst None
Occipital theta None
Fast activity (awake) Mostly moderate
Low voltage Uncommon, usually abnormal
Tracé alternant None
Spindles In 2nd yr sharp and shifting, then symmetrical with vertex max
Vertex waves and K complexes Large, becoming more pointed
Positive occipital sharp transients Poorly defined
Slow and fast activity in sleep Marked posterior maximum of slow activity
REM sleep Mostly slow, starting to become more desynchronized
Niedermeyer E Electroencephalography 1999