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Oligoclonal bands

The presence of two or more bands of immunoglobulin on isoelectric focusing (IEF ) of CSF is referred to as 'oligoclonal bands' (OCBs). This CSF oligoclonal banding is only indicative of local CNS IgG production when the banding pattern in the CSF is distinct from the pattern seen in the serum. For this reason a serum sample must be sent with a CSF sample, as is done of course for the CSF:serum IgG index.

While OCBs are well known to assist in the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis it is important to recognize that they are found in many other situations with infections (subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, rubella panencephalitis, neurosyphilis, neuroborreliosis) or autoimmunity (anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis).

Although it has been suggested that in adults, where multiple sclerosis is a predominant condition that it is only necessary' to request IEF for OCB, in children it is wise to request both quantitative (CSF:serum IgG index) and qualitative (isoelectric focusing for OCB) measures to determine whether there is local CSF IgG synthesis(King, et al., 2009-10).

1. ^ King, Mary D., & Stephenson, John BP. (Eds.), 2009-10. A Handbook of Neurological Investigations in Children (Clinics in Developmental Medicine) (PGMKP - A Practical Guide from MKP) (Practical Guides from Mac Keith Press). MacKeith Press, ISBN 1898683697.
, 2022/04/30 22:42

Nephelometric and ELISA free light chains (FLCs) determination is comparable with OCBs as markers of IgG synthesis, and kappa-FLCs(kFLCs) behave even better than oligoclonal bands.

, 2022/04/30 22:27

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