====== Benign neonatal sleep myoclonus ====== * common non-epileptic condition misdiagnosed as epileptic seizures and even as [[infantile spasms]]. * Onset is from the first day to 3 weeks of life with a peak at the seventh day ===== Clinical features ===== * The myoclonus occurs during non-REM sleep in otherwise normal neonates * mainly affects the distal parts of the upper extremities with the lower limbs and axial muscles less often involved * the myoclonic jerks, synchronous or asynchronous, unilateral or bilateral, mild or violent, usually last for 10–20 s * occasionally they may occur in repetitive clusters of 2–3 s for 30 min or longer imitating myoclonic status epilepticus or a series of epileptic fits * the myoclonic jerks may get worse with gentle restraint * they abruptly stop when the child is awakened * sleep is not disturbed * not associated with apnoea, autonomic disturbances, automatisms, eye deviation, oral–buccal–lingual movements or crying. * normal neurology ===== Aetiology ===== * unknown * does not appear to be familial * likely to be generated in the brain stem. ===== Diagnosis ===== * all investigations including sleep EEG are normal ===== Differential Diagnosis ===== * [[content:neonatal_seizures|neonatal seizures]] * [[hyperekplexia]] * [[content:benign_non-epileptic_myoclonus_of_early_infancy|Benign non-epileptic myoclonus of early infancy]] (benign non-epileptic infantile spasms) ===== Prognosis ===== * excellent with the myoclonus commonly remitting by the age of 2–7 months. ===== Treatment ===== * no need for any treatment * minute doses of clonazepam before bed are often beneficial[(:cite:panayitopoulos2005>Panayiotopoulos CP. (2005). **The Epilepsies: Seizures, Syndromes and Management**. Oxfordshire (UK): Bladon Medical Publishing)]. Other anti-epileptic drugs are contraindicated.