ICNC2018 Abstracts & Symposia Proposals, ICNC 2014

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Building: Bourbon Cataratas Convention Centre, Foz do Iguaçu
Room: Iguazu I
Date: 2014-05-06 04:00 PM – 04:15 PM
Last modified: 2014-02-09


Introduction: Pre-Schools are the locus of observation of child, enabling prevention and intervention of those considered at risk. This study identified neuropsychomotor development delays in 3 to 42 month old children. It discussed of  educators´ knowledge about phases of development. Methods: The study was a prospective trial conducted in nine Pre-School. Caretakers completed a questionnaire socioeconomic and the development of the children. Educators answered  on child development and the of noticing signs of delays. The children were evaluated and reevaluated by the Scales Bayley III - Screening Test, in the cognitive, language and motor areas. The sample consisted of 343 children both sexes, with similar socioeconomic conditions receiving the same standard of care. Educators received training and parents attended lectures. Results: 343 children assessed, performance was lower than expected mainly in expressive communication, followed by receptive communication, fine motor, gross motor  and cognitive. After six months, 313 (91.2%) were reassessed and 18.2% of them had moved from competent to alert and/or at risk; the others maintained or improved rankings. There were no significant differences. according to gender. In multivariate analysis, there was a prevalence of biological risk factors; social and environmental risk factors were not significantly relevant. The educators showed no knowledge about the stages development nor condition to identify signs of delays. Discussion: The findings emphasize the importance of surveillance actions for prevention and care in early childhood. They should be continuous, involving guidance to professionals and parents. We suggest a tool to follow children development in the CEIs.





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