ICNC2018 Abstracts & Symposia Proposals, ICNC 2014

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Last modified: 2014-04-15


OBJECTIVE : Diffuse axonal injury (DAI)  rarely occurs after head trauma. The clinical presentation and prognosis can differ according to the affected area. This canbe shown by CT and MRI.  But sometimes CTand MRI can be normal. Therefore, MRI can be re-performed or MRI diffusion canbe done to exclude axonal injury in patient with neurological findings. METHOD: A child accepted to Konya Education And Training Hospital with a right side hemiparesis after falling down from a height of 40cm. Initial CT and MRI findings normal. In follow up period he had seizures.  Repeated MRI and MRI diffusion have been helpful on diagnosis of the diffuse axonal injury and fallow up period.  RESULTS: As one of the most important techniques in all functional imaging procedures, diffusion MR provides early diagnosis by imaging the lesion in a few minutes after injury. Early diagnosis of DAI is usually hard because of initial CT and MRI findings normal. It due to treatment delayed which causing increased morbidity and mortality rates, especially in pediatric age groups. This great advantage of the technique can contribute to the improvement of investigations about neuroprotective treatment in DAI.


diffuse axonal injury, head trauma


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