Is Screening of Congenital CMV Infection in Saliva by RT-PCR Feasible?
Ayla Günlemez, Fetiye Kolaylı, Eda Yazıcı, Ali Duranoğlu, Bülent Kara
Introduction: Congenital CMV infection is the most common intrauterin infection. The screening of congenital CMV infection with PCR studies in blood, urine and saliva samples has been developed in recent years, but routine CMV screening is controversial. Material and Methods: CMV DNA analysis was performed in saliva samples by RT-PCR method in the first day following birth in neonates born in a university hospital during the one-year period. In order to support the diagnosis of congenital CMV in cases with CMV DNA positivity in saliva samples, additionally CMV DNA positivity in urine and blood samples and CMV-IgM and CMV-IgG in serum samples were investigated. Results: CMV DNA was investigated in saliva samples of 545 neonates by RT-PCR method in a one-year period and positivity was found in 6 neonates. Since CMV DNA was found negative by RT-PCR method in urine and blood samples of these neonates, the positivity in the saliva sample was interpreted as false positivity. As a result, the presence of congenital CMV infection could not be demonstrated in any of the 545 neonates. Discussion: The absence of a neonate diagnosed with proven congenital CMV infection in our study sample indicates that the frequency of congenital CMV infection is low in our country. It has been observed that the study of CMV DNA by PCR method in saliva sample is not an appropriate screening method due to high false-positive rates.
Keywords: Congenital CMV infection; RT-PCR; saliva-PCR; newborn screening test
Ayla Günlemez
Kocaeli University
Fetiye Kolaylı
Kocaeli University
Eda Yazıcı
Kocaeli University
Ali Duranoğlu
Kocaeli University
Bülent Kara
Kocaeli University
Introduction: Congenital CMV infection is the most common intrauterin infection. The screening of congenital CMV infection with PCR studies in blood, urine and saliva samples has been developed in recent years, but routine CMV screening is controversial. Material and Methods: CMV DNA analysis was performed in saliva samples by RT-PCR method in the first day following birth in neonates born in a university hospital during the one-year period. In order to support the diagnosis of congenital CMV in cases with CMV DNA positivity in saliva samples, additionally CMV DNA positivity in urine and blood samples and CMV-IgM and CMV-IgG in serum samples were investigated. Results: CMV DNA was investigated in saliva samples of 545 neonates by RT-PCR method in a one-year period and positivity was found in 6 neonates. Since CMV DNA was found negative by RT-PCR method in urine and blood samples of these neonates, the positivity in the saliva sample was interpreted as false positivity. As a result, the presence of congenital CMV infection could not be demonstrated in any of the 545 neonates. Discussion: The absence of a neonate diagnosed with proven congenital CMV infection in our study sample indicates that the frequency of congenital CMV infection is low in our country. It has been observed that the study of CMV DNA by PCR method in saliva sample is not an appropriate screening method due to high false-positive rates.
Keywords: Congenital CMV infection; RT-PCR; saliva-PCR; newborn screening test
Ayla Günlemez
Kocaeli University
Fetiye Kolaylı
Kocaeli University
Eda Yazıcı
Kocaeli University
Ali Duranoğlu
Kocaeli University
Bülent Kara
Kocaeli University

Bülent Kara
Kocaeli University Turkey
Kocaeli University Turkey