Effect Of Health Education On Knowledge And Attitude Of Parents Towards Epilepsy In Egyptian Children
Objectives: 1) to compare the knowledge and attitude towards epilepsy among parents of children with epilepsy (group-A) and parents with no history of epilepsy among their children (group-B), 2) to evaluate the effectiveness of educational interventions on the epilepsy knowledge and attitudes. Methods: This study was conducted in a period of 6-months. We adapted items from three previously validated questionnaires. The questionnaire was answered before and after educational sessions. Results: The study included 100 parents in group-A and 118 in group-B of matched age and social class. 69% of parents in group-A and 40% of group-B have assumed epilepsy is an organic rather than a psychiatric illness or evil spirit (P<0.001). Parents in group-A have known better about manifestation of epilepsy and first aids for seizures in comparison with group-B (P<0.001). Two thirds of the respondents (in both groups) agreed that epilepsy can impair learning and limit sports activities. Around 34% of group-B objected that their child to be a friend to a person with epilepsy. We found a statistically significant difference in the correct answers regarding origin and manifestation of epilepsy and first aid of a seizure before and after education in group-A (P=0.033, <0.001, <0.001, 0.009 respectively). All items of Knowledge have significantly changed correctly after education of group-B. The educational interventions have not changed the negative attitude towards epilepsy among both groups. Conclusion: Providing education session on epilepsy increased the parents’ knowledge specially regarding manifestations and first aid of seizures, while negative attitudes remained substantially unchanged.
Maha Mohammed
Faculty of medicine, Ain Shams University
Hoda Tomoum
Faculty of medicine, Ain Shams University
Salma Abd El Aziz
Faculty of medicine, Ain Shams University
Salwa Abd Elhamid
Faculty of medicine, Ain Shams University

Maha Mohammed
Faculty of medicine, Ain Shams University