Evaluating The Impact Of An Educational Intervention On Knowledge And Perception Of Autism Spectrum Disorder In Uganda
Objectives: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects communication, social interaction, and behavior. In Uganda, there is widespread misconception and stigma associated with ASD. Autism is considered a shameful condition leads to discrimination and ostracizing of affected individuals. This study aimed to address the perceptions and stigma associated with ASD in Uganda through an educational intervention program.
Methods: A mixed-methods approach employed both quantitative and qualitative data collection using pre- and post-intervention surveys and interviews with parents and teachers of children with ASD. The educational intervention program was delivered through a 2-day conference workshop targeting teachers, parents, and community leaders. The workshop covered topics related to the characteristics of ASD, its diagnosis, and management. The program also aimed to improve the participants' understanding of the needs and challenges faced by individuals with ASD.
Results: N=84 participants attended the educational conference. N=22 participants completed both parts of the pre-and post-intervention survey. Results showed a significant improvement in the participants' knowledge and attitudes towards ASD after the intervention program. The intervention significantly improved participants' knowledge and attitudes towards ASD. The study identified factors contributing to stigma, such as misconceptions, lack of awareness, and cultural beliefs.
Conclusion: An educational intervention program can combat ASD stigma in Uganda. It enhances knowledge and attitudes of educators, parents, and leaders. Learners can educate others, expanding the program's reach. Research is needed to determine if stigma reduction improves health outcomes for those with autism and their families.
Franziska Hoche
Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School
United States
Pamela Tiiti
Caesar Asiku Odama
Kyambogu University
Juliet Nakalule
Kyambogu University
Shelley Waite
Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School
United States
Ann Neumeyer
Massachusetts General Hospital, Lurie Center for Autism, Harvard Medical School
United States

Pamela Tiiti