Seizure Reduction In Pediatric Drug Resistant Epilepsy (Child Epileptologist Versus Non-epileptologists Child Neurologis
Title Seizure reduction in pediatric drug resistant epilepsy (child epileptologist versus non-epileptologists child neurologists). A retrospective study Introduction Little is known about the differences in outcomes in pediatric patients diagnosed with drug-refractory epilepsy (DRE) according to whether they are followed by epileptologists or child neurologists not specialized in epilepsy. We analyzed the differences in seizure frequency between patients followed by a child epileptologist and child neurologists (not epileptologists). Methods We conducted a retrospective study of pediatric patients with DRE following the ILAE (International League Against Epilepsy) definition in the Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires. 85 participants were consecutively selected (between April 2019 and October 2023)..All of them were previously followed by child neurologists (non epileptologists) and received at least two anti-seizure medications at the first consultation with the epileptologist. We analyzed with T-test the difference between baseline and current monthly seizure frequency means (defined as the average number of seizures per month at the time of the initial visit with the epileptologist and the current mean monthly seizure frequency respectively). Results Participants experienced a significant monthly seizure reduction [54,4 versus the baseline 102,8 (p=0,03)]. 60% presented a seizure reduction >50% versus the baseline (29% of them were seizure free in the last 6 months). 21% did not show changes and 19% presented a worsening in seizure frequency Discussion Our study suggests an association between improvement in seizure frequency and child epileptologist follow-up of DRE patients. Multicenter studies should be carried out to verify this data.
Juan Ignacio Appendino
Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires
Martin Hyland
Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires