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Investigation of Risk Factors in Neural Tube Defects in Newborns

Objectives: It is aimed to determine the types of NTD and the most common accompanying anomalies, antenatal risk factors, etiological factors for mother and baby

Methods: The cases that followed-up with a diagnosis of NTD at the Newborn Unit (n=50) were evaluated. B12, folic acid, zinc blood levels in the blood of NTD babies and their mothers (n=30) were compared with healthy babies and their mothers.

Results:Ten of the cases had a consanguineous marriage history between their parents. Five patients had a family history of similar disease. The most common NTD defect type was meningomyelocele. The most common NTD defect level was lumbosacral. %64 of the patients accompanied by hydrocephalus and 60% by Arnold Chiari malformation. Cardiac abnormalities were detected in 18% of the patients. Renal anomaly was detected in 28% patients. 18 % of patients, limb anomaly was detected. %22 of NTD babies and 26% of mothers of babies with NTD; serum B12 value was below the cut-off value (200 pg / ml). We observed that the serum folic acid value in 1 mother was below the limit. Zinc was not found below the cutt off value in mothers and babies with NTD. There was no significant difference in B12, folic acid and zinc levels between the healthy control group and the mothers of babies and babies with NTD.

Conclusion: Neural tube defect is multifactorial and that the evaluation of patients in terms of genetic and epigenetic factors may be important
Keywords: Neural tube defect, risk, vitamin B12, folic acid, newborn

Nuşabe Abdullayeva


Demet Terek


Mahmut Çelik


Özge Altun Köroğlu


Mehmet Yalaz

Mete Akisu


Nilgün Kültürsay


İsmail Mete İtil




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