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Dynamic changes of cytoskeleton in epileptic mice

Background/aim: Cytoskeleton plays an important role in the process of neuronal synchronization during epilepsy. It is a key factor in the occurrence, development and maintenance of epilepsy and an important supplement to the pathophysiological mechanism of epilepsy. Method: This study investigated the time dependent changes in cytoskeleton and synaptophysin at 3 hours, 6 hours, 24 hours, 3 days and 1 week in kainic acid induced mice model. The protein levels of F-actin, NF-L, NF-M, NF-H and SYP in the control group and the epilepsy group were analized by werstern blot. Result: Our research showed that the expression of F-actin in the brain of epileptic mice decreased significantly, and continued with a time-dependent decline. The expression of neurofilament in the brain of epileptic mice experienced a process of significant decrease at first and then increase, and the three subunits of NF changed in varying degrees. SYP in the brain of epileptic mice experienced a process of decline and then elevated. The change of SYP lagged behind that of cytoskeleton. Conclusion: Cytoskeleton is a key factor in epilepsy and may be a new target for epilepsy therapy.
Keywords: neural cytoskeleton; epilepsy; F-actin;NF

xuemei wu
1st Hospital of Jilin University



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